Jan 23, 2003 13:09
oh man has it been a long time since I posted! It's been well over a month! So I guess I should have a lot to talk about, but quite frankly there isn't that much. Break was a lot of fun. I got lots of good stuff from Santa. I had a lot of fun with friends, with our many trips to MB&G, AB&G, and the occasional diner, sleighride, or movie night. I finally feel like I have a real life now. I thought I did before, but now I have a group of friends I can go to and be myself and forget about everything else. They really cheer me up and make life easier. On a similar note, I have Sarah. When I was with Laura, I wasn't happy that often and thought that what I had there was what love was like. Well I was really fucking wrong! Sarah, in simplest terms, is the part of me that was always missing. I feel like I'm in complete control of my life when I'm around her. I don't owrry about anything, I don't get bothered by anything. I'm just plain happy. There is nothing about her that has bothered me or gotten me annoyed and she claims the same for me. There are things about her that I say to myself "that should bother me", but it just doesn't. I could honestly say that I could spend the rest of my life with Sarah.
Classes. Yeah. Um. What can I say? They are quite abundant and suck up most of my day. They're not particularly difficult, but they require work to be done. That's not really something I'm used to doing, but I'm on top of things so far.
HAHAHAHA Ralph Wiggum is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, time for golf class. Sounds like fun doesn't it? don't think so! we putt on mats that are 6 feet long for an hour!