A long post on my line of thought

Jun 07, 2009 10:50

Park Ji Yoon is such an amazing singer.
She's super pretty, too.
Just thought I'd let you know that.

Hm....I have nothing really to talk about besides the fact that I possibly have more summer homework than what I ever had during the school year. That's a bit sad, but I figure they give this much homework because we basically get three months to do it all.
Yay~ I get to read two books (The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brian [awesome book by the way] and Lord of the Flies by [insert author here]) and write journals on them, I have a lot of NHS homework (being an officer will look good on my college application, so I will go through with the torture), not to mention the biology homework that I might be taking too seriously (I want to make up for not doing it the first time. It's a long story). Then I have to finish that stupid online course that I don't think I should have to take. But the state of Florida disagrees with me on that. Whatever.

And me being me, I have to finish going through my physics notes so that I'm ready for AP Physics next year. And I have to review with my tutor for AP Calculus. And then I need to review some basic chemistry. I haven't looked at that stuff since tenth grade. And even then I tried my hardest to ignore it.

But all of these classes will be worth it in the end (I hope).

Every time I look at my username I cringe.
My eighth grade self must have been a loser.
How could I forget the "g" in "bubblegum"?
I obviously have too much time on my hands if this is all I do every day (with the exception of doing school work.)

I feel like singing Disney karaoke.
Who wants to sing "A Whole New World" with me?
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