That poor kid had no idea who he was dealing with. Yay for PoNR (Point of No Return) Erik! His outfit was kind hard to re-create (it's obviously from the movie, not the play) but I tried my best. I'm so glad you all are here! Keep commenting, pimping, supporting, and enjoying
EDIT: To those of you who have expressed your concerns about the last line of this comic - I am truly sorry if it came off in a bad way. I had no intention whatsoever of painting a poor picture of adopted individuals. It was merely the first thing that popped into my head to replace "There is no Santa Claus" from a previous comic. Erik says it as more of a trust issue. Something you believe in turns out to be false, but the thing itself isn't bad. Santa is not bad, and neither is being adopted.
Once again I apologize for coming off as crude or ignorant. I appreciate those of you who commented, reminding me where I stand in the thick of things. If this explanation is of no help to you, I will be more than happy to delete this comic and try again. After all, I am doing this for the joy it spreads through the community, not to upset anyone or be at the center of controversy.