Ichbinfliegen and the teribble horible no good rotten day! :(

Apr 30, 2009 22:07

ok, this part is large and in red cuz it's important.. if you are a guy of the male pursuasion STOP READING THIS!!!!!! there are certain parts about 'lady problems'! and I know most of u guys don't wanna hear about it!

the day in question would be today(April 30th) bad event's taking place between 4-10 PM central time and yes ok some events were ok, but mosty it was bad! :(  anyway what hapened? I'll tell ya what happened! I got up at 6;30 AM(as always) and the day was goin all hunky dory.. I watched some news, ate breakfast.. taped a few soap operas for a friend, watched a few episodes of iCarly(my new favorite show/guilty pleasure)then, and this is when the horibblenes starts, I run errnds with my mum.. and when we get done we got to pick up my dad from work(we only haz one vehicle... well one that works) and I had had a bit too much Capri sun, so I had to go! well first we stop at a Dollar General.... >_< their bathrom is outta order!... then we go to a gas station.. tolits all look like someone already had a go in em, but hey, I had to go so fucking bad!! so after that got done I decide hey, what the hell, I'm gonna buy two energy drinks! so I do..... at wich time I drink one, thenn wehn mum and I went to go get burgerking for diner they think it'd be totaly wicked to give me a fish sandwich with cheese and picles and may and katchup and...*barf*  WHEN I TOTALY ORDERED A VEGGIE BURGER AND DAMNIT THEY FUCKEN TOTALY KNEW I DID!!!! IT WAS ON THE MOTHERFUCKIN RECIPT EVEN!!!!  so I decide to call and do the little survey thing on the back of the recipt, I answered almost every question with either poor or fair.. even if it wasent! :D and then I realized.. my time of the month must be comeing up, cuz im normaly not such a bitch, so I go get some pads.. first store I go to dosen't have the size I use.. so I have to go soemwehre else.. so I do.. and I remember the $3 off couponI had stashed in my wallet.. so at least that was good... and then, for some reason, mum insists I go to a gas station to get soem chocolate bars and I;'m all WTF?! but, I do it anyways.. and wiatin in line this guy behind me says :"you have red hair" and then asks me ifI have green eyes(theyre blue), and I was like finaly something good today! even though the guy was like.. 40 or soemthing.. still a complement;s a complent!. and then finaly we got home, just in time for me to drown my anger in an energy drink and a chocolate(hey, I'm too young to have alcohal!)

so to recap todays events:

Energy Drinks
veggie burgers
getting revenge on one local of a  certain chain of resterants Burger King via automated survye phoneline :D
complements(even if they are from guys at  gas staions in their 40's)

getting a fish sandwich wehn everyoine knows you ordered a veggie burger >_<

not getting a vegiee burger when you ordere it!

Burger King, that's right I said it, I hate burger King! the ony good thing about them are Their Veggie burgers(if thwsy acutaly give you one when you order it!!!?) and their fries.. other than that just don't fucking go therer!!!

out of order bathrooms

Menstral bleeding :*(

AND JUST PLAIN UGLY(soem have not been featured in this rant):

Crazy  sorta reletives who might sorta(but not realy) kidnap your nephew(long story)

crazy sorta relltives(same as above) who are like total BFFS with one of your closest friends

crazy sorta reliteve who  is getting maried soon and will hopefully leave my family the fuck alone

the posiblity that even if the above happens, 18 years from now all chahos will break out and the'eir will be a whole fucked up batshit crazy family fude

for now at least, I can take solice in the fact that my nephew is a little baby, and dosen't know that 'daddy' isn't a part of his life,  that 'daddy' abused mommy. and I have so much respect for my sister for dumping him when she had finaly had enough of his crap and abuse. in a perfect world I woulden't have to worrry about any of this, but this isn't a perfect world, and all I can do is sit by and watch hopeing that everything will be ok, being there when it's not, comforting those that need it.  well taths all I gotta sa right now thanks for listening.
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