I think I'm gonna blow

Dec 08, 2005 09:48

Everything has been bothering me lately.
Too much false cheer in the air - too much joy is a product of their own vanity. No one really cares about their brother. A dream of empathy fades to malcontent - was a kind heart just a whisper in the trees? Could I find it if I looked and if I found it would it break if I touched it?

My job is eating my sou - they are trying to make me something I am not - mindelss and unintelligent. I press the buttons all day long tap tap taptaptap tap taptaptpatap tap tap tap tap tap and any my thoughts are discarded into the depths of someone else's mind until they can make it their own.

I wish I could just pick up and move myself to a field of green grass on the slopes of northern France where my family was born - nothing in site but green and blue. I would paint and write and love.

A couple people asked where in France, so here's a link that can tell you a little more:
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