(no subject)

Nov 16, 2006 18:20

1. Who is the last person you held hands with? Marcie
2. If you were drafted into a war, would you survive? My chances are higher than most because I'm female and they don't let girls do the dirty shit.
3. Do you sleep with the TV on? No, the blinking lights get on my nerves
4. Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton? No, I hate milk.
5. What did you do today? Woke up,played with puppy, got dressed, and renewed my perscription.
6. Do you like somebody right now? I like everyone, I love one person.
7. How fast can you type? I'm a pretty speedy typer, but sometimes I think that my hands are dyslexic.
8. Are you afraid of the dark? I love the dark.
9. Eye color? Browwn
10. Who can you always turn to? Ryan, Marcie, Jon, Kristina
11. When's the last time you chose a bath over a shower? When I was sore from working out
12. Do you knock on wood? Yes
13. Are you drinking anything right now? nah
14. Do you have good vision? heyll no
15. Can you hoola hoop? I can with my feet
16. Are you good at keeping secrets? mhm
17. What do you want for Christmas? I beleive I answered that in the previous post
18. Are you OCD? nope
19. Do you talk in your sleep? Yes
20. Who makes you laugh the most? Every time I chill with Jon I almost pee myself with laughter
22. When was the last time you went swimming and where? I went swimming at Kristina's
23. Do you consider yourself successful? kinda, not really.. maybe
24. How many people are on your contact list of your cell? like 40
25. Have you ever asked for a horse? Yesh
26. Plans for today? go to work
27. WHATS YOUR MiDDLE NAME? AND WHY? Johanne, like my mom's
28. Missing someone now? I miss days when I could be lazy
29. When was the last time you told someone 'I love you'? haha, yesterday. It was Maui
30. What was the last sport you played? uh..soccer?
31. How are you feeling today? annoyed, not happy that I have to work today
32. Are you black? uh.. no
33. Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school? Nope
34. What are you looking forward to? Tomorrow, because I don't have to work
35. Have you ever crawled through a window? Yes
37. Have you ever eaten dog food? No, but I convinced other kids to do it
38. Can you handle the truth? Usually, yes.
39. Do you like green eggs and ham? Never had them, but I hear theyre disgusting
40. What are 3 things you always take with you to places? Cell phone, keys, and my glasses
41. Any cool scars? a few on my leg, on near my knee, some on my feet, one on my shoulder.. probably more, I just don't realize it
42. Do you like or have a crush on anyone? Do they know? That's a silly question
43. How many kids do you plan on having? However many I can afford and handle
44. What do you do when no one is watching? Dance!
45. How often do you talk on the phone? every now and then Ill call up RYan, Marcie, Jon, or Blaze
46. Do you talk to yourself? When I'm stressing out
47. Is there something you want that you can't have? Yeah, a ton of things
48. Three things about the opposite sex that you first notice? Eyes, height, hair
49. Who are you thinking about right now? People at work
50. Who did you last hug? Jon
52. Where is your phone? kitchen
53. What was the last thing you ate? a hot pocket
54. Favorite Color? red
55. Last movie watched? Pulp Fiction
56. What song do you currently hear? Islands in teh stream-Beegees
57. What do you want? to be lazy
58. Would you ever date anyone on your friends list? I'm dating someone on my friends list
59. What TV Show are you watching? none
60. What is your cell phone number? If you want it, ask for it
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