updated wishlist ^_^
-the "I am loved" pins in all languages available (THESE ARE FREE PPL but get me all of em)
-a bjork poster! (w00t) or cd i love her thanx zeke!
-anything msi, except cds i have em all, so shirt or poster
-binary clock (thinkgeek.com) if you get me this i'll love you FOREVER AND EVER
-100% kona coffee or kona tea 1-888-414-KONA
-anything muse or naruto or... alphonse mucha. mhm
-barnes and noble gift card w00t! thanx cristy ES! hehe
-mucha 2006 calendar
http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/3832711104/002-6982854-0515212?v=glance again, if you are gonna get me/ already got me one of these, comment anonymously saying so.
hope to see you tomorrow!!! :D