Ah... No chance I can just skip this questionnaire is there?

Feb 21, 2011 23:13

1) Which did you find worse, the heat or the cold?
It would have been bearable if I had my Ichaicha series.

2) Of the two, if you had to have one all the time, which would you have chosen?
It wouldn't be a problem if I had my IchIcha...

3) On a scale of one to ten, one being terrible and ten being ecstatic, please rate your current mood.
I'd say 4.5 but I would bump it up to a 7 if you get me IchIcha.

4) Please describe how the heat made you feel, in depth.
It was Hot.

5) Please describe how the cold made you feel, in depth.
It was Cold.

6) Did you find everything you needed to help you cope with the heat and the cold in the supply store?
Still seems to be out of stock of IchaIcha.

7) If you could have one thing with you that you do not currently have access to, what would it be?

8) On a scale of one to ten, one being not at all and ten being very much, how much do you wish you were home right now?

9) If you could have one person removed from the dome, knowing they were going to be going home, who would you choose?
Idiotic Teenage Ninjas.

10) If you have any other comments or suggestions for things that are needed, please indicate it here.
You know, now that I think about it, some IchaIcha books would be nice.

questionnaire, febuary

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