doing the body well

Oct 06, 2011 15:50

I love when a class of milk tastes like milk. Horizon's whole milk is something I've been purchasing regularly, a step up from their Reduced Fat variety. And sometimes, usually when I get halfway through the container, the milk taste begins to strengthen.

I've heard people argue about ice cream on a similar topic, we don't have ice "cream" in the States. What I mean is that we have flavored ice cream but never natural cream flavour. There's been talk about ultra pasturization and such, so maybe that's it, and I'm not even sure how I know that the basic milk I buy at a grocery store doesn't taste like milk. But I do know.

A friend of mine returned from Thailand after a year missionary work (this was a couple years ago). We had a nice chat, and one of the small things he mentioned was how prominent milk was in Thailand, it was almost as if it were it's own flavor. To extend the point he had brought back some flat candies, that looked like Necco candies, pretty standard and a little powdery, but the flavor was heavy! These were basically milk-flavored Necco, and I really couldn't believe the taste. My tastebuds were awakened, and now every time I have a glass of milk I'm constantly searching for that flavor.

Truthfully, I wouldn't say I'm familiar with the flavour enough to have a valid preference for it. While it's not likely, it could be a flavour I tire of or plain dislike over time, such as grape soda. But I enjoy lifting of an invisible cultural veil to discover a rawness that used to exist (omg that's so hipster, no). Are we more comfortable living numb in raw and wild world? Whatever.

I'll find a way to be comfortable, but I've no use living numb.

(image via Lovely Package)
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