{exo} Drabble Junkyard

May 28, 2014 12:12

title: Drabble Junkyard
pairing: (highlight to see) find out for yourself, do I have to do everything for you
word count: 1354 words
rating: PG

#1: Motivational Issues

Zitao is lying on his back in the middle of the road, making everyone behind him stop in their tracks. As much as Zitao was a pain in the ass, they wouldn't want another soldier trampled over.

Minseok pulls him to the side, careful not to drag his body along the sandy road with much difficulty. Minseok’s uncovered biceps glisten with sweat and the eyes of someone somewhere in the back of the line shines with a manic gleam as he passes by the two when the people in front of him resume marching onwards.

"Stand up Zitao, we've still got miles to cover," He tries pulling Zitao up, but the latter wouldn't budge. "C'mon, don't be such a primadonna."

"I wanna go home!" Zitao pouts. Minseok fights the urge to slap some sense into Zitao. It’s a war they’re in, after all: it’s not like anyone’s gonna go home soon unless it’s all over or they’re all dead. He tries not to think much of the second consequence.

"Then get up, that way we'll get done with this immediately."

"But my feet hurt! Can you just carry me, hyung?"Minseok’s frown deepens as Zitao clings to his arms.
"No, I am not your servant, I have myself to mind. And it's not my fault that you chose to wear heeled, knee-length leather boots to this journey." He eyes the younger’s untimely choice of footwear with distaste.

"But they're fashionable! They’re the latest trend back home!"Zitao wallows and Minseok knows that it really isn’t good to throw a tantrum at the side of the road, so he decides if Zitao just couldn’t suck it up, he’d have to deal with it the hard way.

"So what? Nobody cares about fashion when they're busy trying to live."Minseok tries to reason. Zitao bursts into pathetic tears. Minseok sighs, rubbing the crease between his eyebrows. He knows Zitao is still too young to be involved in a war, but hey, so is most of them.

Thankfully, Junmyeon chooses that moment to pull over and help. "I'll take it from here," He puts a hand over Minseok's shoulder and pats it, giving the older soldier a gentle yet tired smile before turning to face the tear-stricken one. "C'mon Zitao, let's get walking." Zitao protests, but he lets Junmyeon help him up anyway.

Minseok sighs again, picking up his backpack. “Well wouldn’t things be easier if you think of someone that’s worth fighting for?”

“Hm?A girl worth fighting for?”Jongdae asks, ears perking up from the helpful suggestion that he picks up from Minseok.

“Uhm… Yeah, something like that,” Minseok nods solemnly.

“Ah, well I envision her to have a really nice smile. She doesn’t need to be pretty; she just needs to be nice.” Jongdae nods to himself, certain that the girl he envisions is perfect.

"Well as for me, I don't care if it's a boy or a girl,” Jongin joins in, hearing the conversation from the very beginning. “I don't need that person to look perfect; i just want them to be able to cook the best chicken"

"Jongin are you sure about that? You sound like you're looking for a new cook,"Minseok deadpans.

"That's sorta the point, ya know. Why hire one when you can marry one? Clever, right? And you wouldn't have to worry for a pay either!" both Minseok and Jongdae stifle groans, not pretty sure if Jongin is in his right mind or is just really hungry. Or maybe he just really loves chicken that much.

"BUT I DON'T NEED SOME WOMAN, I WANT A MAN!" someone screams from up front, and everyone stops in their tracks at the sudden shock. A brown-haired boy that clearly reminds Minseok of Bambi steps forward and the other soldiers step out of his way, making the scene look like Moses parting the red sea. Minseok isn’t sure if the boy is the doom bringer or the plague itself.

The boy grabs a hold of his wrist, mouth set in a determined line. "I WANT YOU KIM MINSEOK AND YOU ARE COMING WITH ME WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR YOU LIKE IT." Minseok doesn't even look perturbed by the sudden confession, not because he’s confident of his looks and knows that everyone is ready to kneel down in front of him and follow his every command, but because deep down, he knows that everyone of them is gay for each other anyway.

#2: I will make a man bitch out of you

“Okay bitches, since you all ignore my nice guy approach, this time I’m going to make a man out of you.” Junmyeon taps the end of a long, wooden stick against the ground. “Now get up and get working, you pussies.”
"But why would he even try to make a man out of us when we're all gay anyway?" Luhan whispers to Minseok’s ear. The latter couldn’t help but agree more.

"Are you sure that you want to make a man out of us or do you just want to make us your bitches," Jongdae speaks out his mind, voice going louder than intended. “Because I’m fine with that.” Junmyeon is rendered speechless by Jongdae’s words, mouth hanging agape.But didn’t Jongdae say earlier that he likes girls?

It’s clear now though that he doesn’t.

This bunch is a lot gayer than Junmyeon had expected.


"Admit it, you're gay,"Zitao crosses his arms over his chest, head cocked to the side and giving Chanyeol a sidelong glance. “I can smell it from miles away.” They’re just taking a fifteen-minute break before they resume training, and Zitao’s body is sore as hell, but he wouldn’t let the opportunity of making every soldier admit that they’re gay pass by. He has made it his life goal to form a band with them after the war, anyway.

"No bro, i don't swing that way,"Chanyeol is quick to deny, looking like a betrayed puppy. “And how would you be able to smell it? Do you have a gaydar? Because it’s totally not working right now.” He’s trying to change the question, and Zitao could feel it.But he clearly falls for it anyway.

"No, I am not a bra!" Zitao saysin an indignant voice, as he had clearly misheard what Chanyeol had said and completely ignoring the other’s question.

"Yeah, he couldn't possibly swing that way, he ain't a pendulum. He's a complete bag of balls."Sehun snickers behind his palm, and Zitao punches him in the arm just because. “Shut up you limp noodle. Or else I’ll stick some mushu pork up your ass.”

“Don’t you mean wushu stick?” Chanyeolasks. The two younger ones suddenly stop bickering, giving each other a meaningful look.

“And how would you know what I meant, hyung?” Sehun’s eyes gleam menacingly. Chanyeol swallows hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing with the motion. Beads of cold sweat start forming in his forehead.

There is no way out now.

#3: Deflections

Baekhyun bends over the pond, careful not to trip and fall over the water. "Who is that girl I see-“ he singsongs, then stops to correct himself.“Oh wait I'm a guy,” he clears his throat, continuing the progression of the song “-staring straight, back at me” he touches a hand to his chest, feeling the emotions brought about by the song’s lyrics and melody pull at his heartstrings, eyes starting to close. But then he stops midway as something brown floats over to cover his reflection.“Oh wait that was an algae, my bad. I thought i just really looked like shit floating on ponds," he shrugs.

"When will my reflection show,” his pitch raises higher as he sings with his heart.“Who i am insi-"

He is rudely cut off this time by a sudden splash brought about by a stone being thrown into the pond, and he chokes as splashes from the smelly water hits his face. "That'll only happen when you stop staring at your reflection in ponds because you'll only see seaweeds and water lilies,”Kyungsoo shakes his head, another pebble in hand. “Go buy a mirror, you dumbass."

a/n: week 3 of not being able to write the fic that I was supposed to have finished a week ago. Blame baekmebacon for prompting me to write a fic about Disney songs after having a Disney karaoke session with the whole gang. (No more for you, Hani Coco)

pairing: xiu min/luhan, rating: pg, genre: humor, !fanfic, length: drabble, pairing: sehun/tao, genre: crack

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