[exo] on a rainy day

Jan 25, 2015 17:48

title: on a rainy day
pairing/s: minseok/sehun
rating: g
word count: 1076 words
summary: On a rainy afternoon, Sehun bumps into someone from his past.
A/N: this is for xiukisses. jenn this is all I can do, I hope you like it.

on a rainy day

The cold autumn wind blows against Sehun’s face, and soon, like it were an exigency on an already cold afternoon, the pitter patter of rain falls a little harsher than always. He scrambles and ducks under a nearby store’s roof. Sehun knew it would be raining soon, just as the weather forecaster informed him.

“We have a strong chance of rain this afternoon, so don’t forget those in season umbrellas!”

He begrudgingly opens the foldable umbrella he packed. He likes to think that they’d be wrong about the rain forecast, that they make mistakes too-but that’s just Sehun being silly. The forecasters make educated guesses based on facts and numbers while Sehun just makes stupid assumptions.

Sehun strides down the street with his obtrusively red umbrella contrasting the monochromatic colors of the city under the veneer of heavy rain. He checks his watch once every other minute, pacing himself accordingly to the closing time of the post office a few blocks away.

In the world of digital gadgets and pocket wifi and SNS, Sehun chooses to send a letter instead of an e-mail, something that would probably cost him less time and money. He likes to think there’s value in pouring his heart out on paper in his own neat script writing-or maybe his awful chicken scratch of a penmanship.

It’s the effort, Sehun mumbles, just a few minutes to spare when he gets there. The girl behind the counter exchanges his bills with a few stamps, and he promptly thanks her, walking to a waiting bench to traditionally lick off some stamp glue for the letter. He’d use other adhesives but he just got off work, and why use glue in the office when there’s an abundance of staplers.

Sehun flips the envelope, belatedly forgetting he doesn’t have a pen.

“Sehun-ah, is that you?” He looks up and stares into painfully familiar eyes. How, he thinks, how could something break even if it’s already broken? “Hey, it’s been a while. How are you doing?” Minseok laughs, taking the seat next to him.

After three years, Minseok still looks the same minus the hairstyle. Even so, he still looks like the Minseok from before, the Minseok Sehun loved-or loves. “Same old, same old.” He shrugs, feigning his indifference. “Are you picking up a package?”

Minseok shakes his head slowly, a childish grin on his face. Sehun remembers faint window chimes clinking as a summer breeze disrupts the stillness of it. It was a few summers ago, probably worth nothing now.

“Luhan has stuff to ship. He asked me to help carry some things, you?”

“Ah, checking up on some mail before I head back home,” he lies. It’s obvious. If Minseok saw the letter and stamps on Sehun’s lap, he says nothing-he doesn’t even give a slight hint of knowing. “How’s Luhan doing? His career theatre going smoothly, I presume?”

“Yes, he’s a lead in another winter musical and he’s got some cameo roles in other plays. He’s doing well.” Luhan has always been great at singing and acting. It was always fun to see Luhan bowing to his imaginary audience and throwing himself roses. It’s one of Sehun’s pastimes when he was a kid, loitering around Luhan’s room as he practiced. “How about your work?”

“It still hasn’t killed me yet, so, great, I guess.” Minseok laughs good-naturedly, like he always does. He hasn’t changed much. The sharp lines of his jaws, the black rimmed glasses he still wears instead of buying shit expensive contacts. Still Minseok.

“Well, that’s good news.”

“Yeah, it is.” He looks down at the letter between his fingers. “Hey, do you have a pen?” There’s a small pause before Minseok pulls out one from his back pocket and extends it to Sehun. Sehun takes it and smiles a little, “Thanks.”

“The weather is so horrible Minseok! I checked the boxes and one of them and the sides were drenched! Oh, Sehun! Fancy seeing you here.” Luhan tugs him into a hug, and gives Minseok a weary look. He thinks Sehun doesn’t see him so he just humors Luhan and smiles back when he turns to him. Minseok stands up too and Luhan locks their arms together. “Let’s go, Minseok. I’m sorry we couldn’t stay long, Sehun. There’re more boxes to pack, catch you some other time?”

“Yeah sure. See you guys.” He watches as Luhan waves goodbye while Minseok silently follows suit, opening a canary yellow umbrella. It reminds Sehun of summers he used to spend with Minseok bathing under the sun or smashing watermelons open at beaches. The glaring sun is something he never thought he’d miss. He misses Minseok too. He misses stupid coffee dates they used to go on. Sehun doesn’t drink coffee though, and Minseok was wonderful and understanding that he often takes Sehun to a nearby bubble tea shop and spoiled him rotten on chocolate boba tea. There was a time where Minseok absolutely refused to watch sad movies, but somehow Sehun managed to coax him into sitting on Sehun’s couch for two hours watching Korean subs of Hachiko. The crying part wasn’t pretty for the both of them, but it was great to let out the tears, healthy crying, Sehun said.

Sehun walks up to the counter and writes an “i’m sorry” in blue ink on the back of the letter and hands it to be mailed. Guess it’s back to the empty and cold apartment again for him. He pockets the pen and sighs.

He opens his umbrella and a familiar voice stops him from crossing the street. “Sehun,” Minseok says, leaning on the wall with his hands in his pocket. It’s absolutely cold and he’s only wearing a shirt and faded jeans. “Can I join you under that?” He points to the umbrella and gives one of his cute gummy smiles.

“What are you doing here?” What about Luhan? He says, automatically nodding. When Minseok stands next to him, their shoulders brushing and one of his shoulders is drenched in rain. He realizes he doesn’t care.

“I was about to go to a coffee shop but you forgot to give me back my pen.” Minseok laughs, hooking an arm around Sehun to pull him impossibly closer. “You want to accompany me on this cold autumn day?” Minseok asks, falling into step with him as they crossed the street.

Just this once. “Okay,” Sehun smiles. And never again, Minseok.

-sehun and minseok broke up.
-sehun wrote him an apology letter.
-the rest is up to your imagination! :D

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