Memory #1 - The Product of Juliet's Chainsaw [Sight/Sound]

Mar 29, 2011 14:32

The scene opened with blues and grays giving way to a stone-wrought prison cell, the only light coming in from the moon through a small window. There sat Void, arms forced in front of her with heavy-looking manacles binding them together. She was wearing a dingy, pale blue jumpsuit that was clearly too small for her bust. With her, on the other side of the prison door, was a blonde-haired girl clutching some red package.

"Oh, that's right," a man's voice called as the scene opened up a bit more. He was short, a bit older, and mostly balding but with a bit of white hair remaining. "While you're at it, release the young lady over there, too." He and the man with him appeared to be leaving. On the short commander's back, Void could read a serial number of some sort; he had on a similar jumpsuit as Void and the girl.

The attending man with the odd helmet and heavy coat turned to Void and the girl. "You're lucky, woman," he remarked as he tossed the keys towards them. The keys clattered on to the ground and the girl reached down for them happily, dropping her red package there in the process. The girl too had a serial number on her back.

"I'm in your debt," Void replied sincerely.

The girl managed to get the prison door open without much difficulty, but she had to check each key individually for which would open the manacles. "Not this one either..." she mumbled. Void was kneeling at the girl's height, but turned her head to the short commander as he began speaking again.

"Young lady, things are going to get a little chaotic now. Please find a safe place to hide yourself." His attendant threw open the metal doors. "I'd rather you don't slow us down." He was perfectly calm in spite of the serious implications - that she was a liability, and they were in the middle of a scheme. They emerged from the building, about to cross a bridge on to more solid ground and a much larger complex.

The outside view showed a thick layer of snow on the ground and more descending every second. It was then that Void could hear the sound of a whole militaristic unit rushing into the vicinity. Their boots crunched through the snow, and there was the mostly in-sync sound of perhaps two- or three-dozen rifles being cocked.

Apparently, that wasn't in the men's plan, because they balked a little. "What?!" "Damn!"

Void barely heard a name being called out, but it was obscured and mumbled. She did hear the order that followed it, though: "Shoot her!"

It was in that instant that the blonde girl managed to find the right key. Void quickly shifted her hands to her chest, even as the heavy metal fell to the ground. Simultaneously, a pair of arms emerged from the backs of every single soldier in sight. The attendant tried to protect his commander, even as Void balled her fists and set a determined expression on her face.

The manacles hit the ground.


The Void in the memory was turned away from the scene, but even by lamplight the on-lookers could see what happened: each pair of hands grabbed each man by the back of their head and chin. Then, the arms ratcheted each man's neck until a spray of blood emerged and the body dropped to the ground. A few guns went off in the process, but mostly it was just the sound of necks snapping. The scene that lay before them looked like what was normally the result of fierce fighting for at least a few minutes or hours, not the span of one woman's breath.

Blood started to trickle into the snow as the older gentleman and his consort both turned towards Void. Only the shorter man spoke. "Did he just say [kschk]?!" Once again, the name couldn't be heard.

Ignoring everything else for the moment, Void hugged the blonde girl close. Then, she stood up gracefully. "I have a debt to the people here," she explained with a light tone for the heavy deed she'd just done. "I have to pay them back."

As Void smiled over her shoulder at the two men, the memory faded.

! memory

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