Apr 25, 2011 14:34
[Now that Tsunade has come back to take over as Principal, Kakashi is in such a better mood, it is a huge weight off his shoulders]
[He is now in the "Dean of Students" Office, sorting it out to make it a bit more personal]
[A little later, you hear the speakers in each classroom and hallway begin to crackle, before the voice of your Dean echoes throughout the school]
Good morning Students! It is your Dean here. As you have probably heard, Tsunade is now our Principal, so now I am able to turn all my attention to you kids. Lucky you!
Today I am going to give each of you a careers interview. It will only be about 15 minutes, but I want you to come and talk about any ideas of what you wish to do after school, any careers you wish to follow. Next month I will be sorting out a two week work experience for each of you so that you will get the chance to experience first hand what it is like to work in whatever feild you have in mind.
Interview times for each student are posted outside my office and begin in one hour, 10:30am. See ya!