Feb 07, 2005 15:02
okay uhh i havnt been on cuz ive been ina kinda low type mood and stuff and every time ive been online its been for a purpose and havnt had too much free time.. but here i am... my life story since last time.. well i lost megan.. she dumped me cuz she wanted a break from guys.. the sucky part is she was liking my best friend about a week later... i dunno guess its my fault cuz i stressed her.. o well ill get over her.. and yeah other then that i got not much to say.. ill try to keep this updated but ive sed that like every time... ive got an entirely new set of girl problems lately.. namly trying to find one to like... yeah it sucks but hey wat can i do... and then i have other problem that a select few know.. as in two ppl and prolly the only two ppl that read this damn thing.. happen to be sisters too haha lol i dunno wat else to say.. life goes on.. brusis fade bones heal.. pick urself up and keep going... and #1 rule.. have fun.. dont surround urself in such drama... i love my friends.. the ones that are true no matter what...u guys.. actually in this case there all girls.. woowoo pimp lmao.. well u rock... dont change u rock ass the way u are... haha
kaileigh brianna heather jenny caroline... a select few of the ass rockers out there.. thanks for being there for me... and im always there for you..