Dec 10, 2004 13:20
So I think I know what I'm getting melissa, 3 things. I'll tell people later, I don't want her to know, cause that's the cool thing to do, right? Yeah.
Wanna hear a story? I'll leave out names.
I told someone today I liked cold weather becuase you can keep putting on layers of clothing to be comfortable, and when you're hot, you can only go so far. She then said I was stupid, and cold hearted.
So Coach Wales is breaking into some poor families house. Still an Idiot... I'll update later and tell yout he entire story.
Bell just rang.
****** UPDATE ******
Ok, so here is about this Coach Wales thing. FCA has adopted a family, a needy family, and I really like the idea of what they are doing for them. They are sending them gifts and presents for their christmas, as well as food and lots of other stuff for them. I think it is wonderful. But then Coach Wales was saying that he was going to buy a christmas tree and decorate the inside of these people's house. That's when I started thinking, "No.... wait a second."
Me - "Coach Wales, I honestly really like the idea of all of this, but I'd be kinda careful about the 'decorating the inside of their house' idea becuase they might get offended, you know?"
Coach - "Offended? OFFENDED? Who is one of your friends in here?"
"Well... Derek."
"Ok, so what if Derek went into your house while you were gone and did something really neat for you?"
"Well, I'd be mad. It's an invasion of my privacy and I probably wouldn't want Derek going through my house and stuff without me."
*People get mad and I dont hear what Wales says, but I'm sure it was something along the lines of "Idiot." haha.*
Anyone in FCA who is reading this, please listen to me. My mother lives in a small 3 bedroom duplex. 5 people live there. I offered to take the living room as my room knowing that it would suck in the long run. Our house is MAYBE the same length as... the senior's locker hallway. MAYBE. It's a dump. I have 2 dogs and one cat. Everything is covered in animal hair and I have to preserve my stuff so that it doesnt get hair on it and I have to go to school like that. There is no GOOD place for a litter box, so it sits in the bathroom. Now you know why maybe only ONE of you have seen the inside of my mom's house. Everyone has been to my dad's, and for good reason.
Now this is completely minor to the family who FCA adopted, but they were adopted becuase they were one a financial aid system. If someone walked into my mom's house without me knowing, I would be EXTREMELY mad. NO matter what they had done for me. So who is to say that just because we are doing something nice for this family, they wont feel embarressed becuase 81 people (guess at how many people are in FCA) who they didn't know all of a sudden went into their house? It's a bad Idea guys... bad idea.