Feb 20, 2008 16:38
So, I wish that I could download all my thoughts directly into my livejournal. When I'm driving back and forth to West Palm for work I'm always thinking grand thoughts to myself, and I really wish that I posted more.
The past couple weeks my usual funk has dropped me in a pretty deep rut. I've been tired, cranky and generally unmotivated. I've truly been accomplishing nothing, and I continue to make time for myself to do nothing. I've found a lot of interesting things to occupy my time, like reading magazines, listening to Hannah Montana, watching Disney movies and loafing around online. Whenever I have a free moment, I'll usually take a nap.
There is so much more that I want to get from life than what I'm allowing myself right now. I'm hiding from my responsibilities, and acting like a 10 year old. Surprisingly though I'm not too unhappy. Sure I've had my days, particularly those where I'm counting failed relationships on two hands and wondering where all my best friends have gone, but there is a slight glimmer of joy to be found here.
The beach is still as beautiful as ever, and so are the sunrises, and the sun in general. I can't even describe to you how much I love Florida. It only took me 18 years to get it, but this place is unforgettable. That of course doesn't mean that I'm still not dead set on getting the heck out of here.. I think its just going to make it harder for me to find a place that can compare.
I'm not too worried, I know I'll get myself out of this. I'll come to my senses and grow up, get my work done and get on with my life. I guess I just need a little break.. some time to enjoy being 20 years old. I have a plan, for the next few years at least, so we'll see where that takes me. I plan on graduating this summer, hopefully getting an internship, or a job also. Once fall starts and everyone goes back to school, I'll be hanging around Boca, working, saving some money. Come December who knows. Alyx and I talked about the potential of moving away, just to get out, work and just enjoy being away from "home". Graduate school and a career will follow. It scares me a lot to make plans. Who knows whats going to come my way? Its just nice to have an idea of where I might end up.
What are your plans for the next few years? I'm interested to find out how everyone else feels about this whole growing up and joining the real world thing haha