Obligatory App Post

Sep 25, 2006 19:41

Character: Ritsuka Aoyagi
Series: Loveless
Character Age: 12
Canon: Loveless is an interesting little series where having cat ears and a cat tail equals virginity and people have spell battles. Really. Enter here Ritsuka, a boy who lost his memories and experienced a complete personality switcharoo, and his precious older brother, Seimei, was murdered two years later. Needless to say, he's more than a little emo.

Ritsuka is quite the prickly little puffer fish. On the outside he can be cool, quiet, and harshly blunt. He becomes increasingly snappish and defensive the more you get under his skin, but for those who can reach past this, Ritsuka is actually quite the soft, scared little boy. He also has a powerful streak of pacifism, and hates to see others in deep pain, be it physical or emotional.

He also has an obsession with taking photos with others or, as he calls it, "making memories".

Sample Post:

I wonder if the old Ritsuka would like a place like this? Am I supposed to enjoy a camp full of mud and mosquitoes and humidity so high that I might as well be swimming? I don't understand what Mother was thinking when she demanded that I go to a summer camp. And what kind of idiot runs a summer camp in the fall anyway?

This pamphlet that I received isn't very accurate either. According to what it said, the camp was only a short hike from the main road, but I've already been walking several hours. I don't like these woods either. It just feels too weird!

For example, I met a strange guy who looked like a giant cat an hour or two back. He said I had "a cute tail and ears" but that I should "ditch the human suit". So I told him to "ditch the cat suit", and he looked a little like he wanted to punch my face in. How foolish. If he's going to dish out, he should be able to take it back!

Anyway, after he calmed down, he started asking all these annoying, pointless questions. Like, "What is your quest?" ("To find the camp.") and "What is your favorite color?" ("Grey-blue."). But when he started asking things like if I liked piña coladas and getting caught in the rain, it was too much. Who wants to spend their time getting surveyed in the middle of the forest! That's got to be some sort of sexual harrassment. So I quickly took a few pictures to remember this very weird man, and as I was leaving he told me to send him some copies of the photos. He also told me he wanted me to "come back when I'm older". But why would I want to come back to a summer camp as an adult?

In any case, even though he was annoying, I guess I should send him some prints of the photos anyway. I'll copy the address down here too, just in case.

Mr. Ima Katz
#13 Driver's Side
White Van, CFUD, Louisiana 42666


That's a very strange address.

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