Nov 11, 2007 18:49
You know, I just realized I didn't write an entry over the anime convention! A week late, but I remember so clearly.
So we, Me and Chi, drive for two hours after an endless night of excitment, and finally get to OKC Meridan Street, and when we get out of the car, I see an amazing Sora cosplayer. o_o Then we registered and got a FREE newtype USA as a door prize...WHAT A FANTASTIC START!
We get in through the doors, and theres the fan-ally so I basically look at EVERYTHING. Chi was so annoyed. It was all so cute, and I wanted it all! SO many doujinshi's so little time. So we get to the end of the ally, turn the corner, BAM! Hot Asian Man Sex dressed as Roxas! (Oranization 13 style) Well, beyond that corner...wasnt seen until later...cause Chi and I just follwed him from where we came from. Hehe...I got his autograph later XD.
So we walked around the buying area for about an hour and a half looking a crap. So much much...I wanted it all.
I took pictures of cosplayers like Armageddon was tomorrow. Most of them were so cute, and accurate! I admire those people who do the whole cosplay thing. It takes so much to make your own costume, put your kinda of twist on it, and then prance around in it for three days showing it off to everyone! =3 Amazing...
I talked to a couple of cool people and I love them all. Thank you for accepting my convention Noobiness!
OKay now for the amazing part. Chi was really discouraged about the whole thing where Vic had the autograph signing the day before. We kept asking around, and like surprizingly NO ONE KNEW. PLus we couldn't find a schedual. I admit I was disapointed, and thats pretty much why I went, but it all turned out in the end. So my and Michelle went into a room, and some one said 'VIC SIGNING AT 3!' 0____0!!! "Line Starts here!" We basiclaly run to the line, and get there third in line! So lucky~ So, I met Vic Mignogna. Yes..and hugged him...and got his autograph, and a pic...and touched him. =D Great times....#^_^#
Anywhos...yeah just ask if you wanna see the pictures or whatever.