Bourne Laundry

Jan 30, 2005 21:31

Yeah.. Ok.. well.. Um.. ;) I'm doing laundry right now, OK?? And our dryer is so freaking slow at drying clothes.. I will have to wait till the load that's in there now finishes so I can get my other load in, and then when Hubby comes home, I'll have to have him restart the dryer just to make sure everything is dry.. Especially since my work clothes are in there... Ho hum. ;) At least I have a dryer, I guess. Things could be worse. *knock on wood!*

Thursday night I saw Phantom of the Opera! The movie, yes.. and YES, I liked it! I didn't think they needed to try to match the voices to those of the original actors quite so much, but I really did like it. There were some great effects, and some fun stuff in it! Yes yes. I approve!! HE hee.. I really liked Minnie Driver as the Diva, Carlotta. SO funny!! AAAAnd, I've been singing the songs in my head all weekend...

Speaking of which, my weekend was this.. Friday, my little sister Stephanie got married in the LDS Temple! YAY!! Of course, that meant that I couldn't see the ceremony, but that's all right. My uncle told me that it was beautiful as he gave me a big ol hug. This is the same uncle that talked at my sister's funeral. He's just a really really neat man. Anyhow, we went up to the Bountiful Temple and were there at 11am. Then came the waiting. Holy cow. My sister took FOR-EV-ER! The people who were able to go all came out, and we were sitting there, waiting for my mom and the happy couple to appear. I feel bad cuz I made a comment about how stupid it is to wear your hair up, especially if you know you'll have to mess it up for the ceremony, and the girl that did her hair was standing there, and probably heard me. Her hair was beautiful!! Just for the record, but it apparently was that that made it take so long for them to present themselves. For goodness' sake! We got there and there was a couple that came out... an hour later we had seen that same couple 2 more times at LEAST, and still no sister and her new husband. I think they came out a half hour after that. Needless to say, MY husband was quite upset at having been woken up so early when he could have gotten another hour of sleep. ;) And then I was mean and wouldn't let him leave to fight a dragon, so he grumped at me. When they finally did come out, we went to the East side of the temple and took some group pictures and such. AAAAnd we got angsty and decided it was time to leave shortly after that. ;) I wanted to go start the luncheon all by ourselves! *L* So we stopped for hot chocolate (had to get one for the bride, too!), and then got lost on the way to the luncheon. Lucky for us, we had some kind of directions, as we ended up on the freeway by accident, but it was all right. Stupid Bountiful and Centerville! *shakes fist in that general direction* Stop being so confusing already! The stupid roads are all weirdly named and numbers change when they shouldn't.. Hm.. after the luncheon, we attempted to head back home, but it was already kinda late, so we got as far as Wal-Mart, and I bought their wedding gift while we were there (yay George Foreman!), found a butterfly pin so I could represent with my family (we have taken to wearing things with butterflies to represent my little sister that passed away, my wedding dress had little butterfly lace things on the arms)... then we had to head back for the pictures before the reception at the same church where the luncheon had been. Everything went well.. they had TONS of food, which is always a good thing, and we helped out a bit with kitchen stuff, and then the clean-up afterwards. Her new hubby's car got trashed, though, in my opinion, not as badly as ours. ;) At least we didn't have condoms.. I was definitely ready to go home, and the reception ended only a little after 8!! We didn't get home till like.. 11, however, with clean-up..

Argh.. ;) That's enough about that.. :D Saturday.. we slept in. Though Kathy tried to wake me up several times as she found a car for me.. I'm wary of it cuz it needs some kind of expensive fixes.. windshield, for one.. I think, mostly, it would be OK, cuz most of the fixes ARE little.. there are just.. almost too many little ones that would definitely add up, you know? Anyway, yeah.. we test drove that after we were officially up, and then went and paid a bill and hung out at the mall, then went and re-changed another bill's address (stupid postal service that keeps forwarding our stuff to the previous residents of this house!), and went and picked up Bourne Supremacy from my sister-in-law.. we had to stop at Wal-Mart once again to make a payment on our TV that's on layaway (YAY!! I'm SO having a Return of the King Extended Edition party at my house when we pick the TV up!!), so we wandered around there for a little bit, then went to a grocery store and got some avocados cuz I wanted some! THEN we went home and watched the movie. And I tried really really hard not to fall asleep.. for very long. ;)

Today.. we didn't do much either. I got online when I woke up around 9:30 this morning, so I wouldn't be quite so tempted to wake my Lovey up! *L* Poor guy.. almost no sleep Friday.. woke him up about 1 Saturday.. ah well. ;) Yup.. then this afternoon we went to my sister's new apartment for dinner and to watch the new couple open their wedding gifts. YAY fun! Of course, I could tell they wanted some time alone near the end, there... heh heh. And now, I'm home.. and Desperate Housewives is a rerun that I haven't seen, but I don't really need to watch.. and I'm talkin to Lexy.. and decided to post in my LJ. Whee!! I need a new avatar picture.. yup. Wow, lots of dots in this post, too! I'm going to end it now, to spare you from more dots. heh heh. Too many more, anyway!

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