Dec 07, 2003 22:00
Nerdy.. The weekends go way too fast these days. Sad!
Went and saw Pirates of the Caribbean with Pannon and Neffie last night. We had fun!! We got ditched by Kevin, but we had fun. ;)
To be fair, he didn't have much of a choice. He apparently got picked up by his girl and her friend, and they 'kidnapped' him and took him to Denny's. Poor guy! He sounded so bored/mad/upset when we talked to him on the phone! The only thing that he sounded excited about was getting to go spend some time with Danni at Arrin's house. Anyway, we missed him at the movie. But we still had fun! And Neffie's newly dyed hair is SWEET! I like it lots.
Called P-chan after the movie a couple of times from Shannon's phone, but apparently completely missed him calling back due to Shannon's ringer being turned off.. Whoopsie.. so I called when I got home and actually got him as he was driving his bro home. Then he drove over while we were still talking on the phone.. *L* He stayed for a while, left and said he was going to call, so I went downstairs, got ready for bed, and read some of my new Love Hina.. got tired, and crashed a bit.. he called at 4:45 and we ended up on the phone for almost an hour! It was a nice conversation that made me all buzzy.. hehee.. *grin* How does he do that?! He's like.. 10 miles away and on a cell phone and he still makes me buzz all happy-like.. scary! *L* At any rate, neither of us got enough sleep cuz we both woke up earlier than we wanted to.
Today was just too much internet time (again! I think I'm going to go berserk!), with a short jaunt to Best Buy to use a 10% off coupon I got from them in the middle! Family came over for dinner and I seriously almost went completely berserk and duct taped them all to the wall upside down by their ankles.. Grrrrrr.. Everyone is SO loud and they were all talking over each other and then my niece started whining and that was seriously the last straw.. at least I had people online to talk to to try and drown it all out or I might've gone nuts..
Hmm.. so yeah! Now I'm talkin to like.. three people on IM (HIiii Paaaannon!!! Hiiiiiii P-chAn!! Hiiiiii Josh!! *L*).. and got yelled at by Kevin on the phone today for not having like a HUGE desire to see the extended LoTR movies.. ah! what a non-productive day! Whatever will I do? *whinewhine* Ah well.. life goes on.. :) Least P-chan's coming over again tonight. Yay! =)