(no subject)

Feb 02, 2004 21:36

I HOPE THIS COMPUTER DIES!!!!!!!! deleted my entire entry @(#$)*&#(@&#*($&*(^(UDFSJKHI*#%&*()W#&ERU

ok anyway i had a long thoughtful, expressive, emotional entry
bried summary: i'm sorry i can't trust people it's not easy for me to deal with it either, i need to surround myself with friends because i've realized i only think about *it* when i'm alone and even though i long to be alone and untouched it makes things worse.

Father Don called me tonight as much as i hate to admit it...he is growin on me...

highlight of the day: FOUND MY POSTER!!!

so tomorrow after school i'm going to try to rearrange my pictures to find a place for it because it's pretty damn big

and i need to start my skirt <3

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