Jun 19, 2006 10:51
I couldn't get to it yesterday but I get to it today. Happy Father's Day to all them daddeh's in da worldz.
My dad was in da hood yesterday. XD We got him an ice cream maker, a salsa and chip holder, and I got him this dorky lil' book. :D My dad is great! (HE gives us chocolate cake)
We made him waffles and during that a container decided to hate me so it broke and cut my finger open. Yyyyyyyyaaaaaaay.
It hurt.
And so ya. A funny thing was we were at church yesterday and I was drawing and zomg. It happened again. "Too feminine. Fix him." *twitch*
But ah. The weekend was bloody brilliant. I worked soo hard on Friday to leave and go to my friend's house but nuu. I got done at like 10 and my parents suddenly started in with this "You can't drive at night" thing. I waz like "WHUT?"
I mean, I got home at 9 pm. -__- I had to do the floor, my bathroom and bedroom. Holy. THEN I had to stay and go to bed but was sooo tired I finally got up at like, 9 sommat. I intended to be gone and done with it all but nope. I ended up having to do the bathroom again and do all my laundry. THAT was rediculous.
I finally was able to leave around...ooh..what was it...? 1 or 2. GAh. THEN I had to be back when it was STILL light out. I mean, what zee crap..? >3 I got home a bit after the sun was down and you couldn't really see out. XDD It was about 10:10 or whatever. I laugh. My parents weren't even home. :3 I suuu happeh.
I had a good time and I got to see Cirque de Solei (or however you spell it), the Circus of the Sun. OMG. I saw the Ver-something one on DVD. SO GLORIOUS. I like. Had major costume lust. And sheer amazement factor went through the roof. And zomg. Sexy, sexy people.
And this one guy. Thunder thighs...>D *dies laughing* I can't help it!
And Seagull boy, Icarus. It's like "I'm so..innocent and pure. Just...don't...hurt me.." OOhoho. Made me just sooo happeh. And the Ravens. Hrm. *Cough* It was sooo great.
I done now. :D
life ramble,
circus of the sun,
cirque de solie