*opens beer*
Yes, you heard it here, me badmouthing poker.
4 days ago I had $55 US in my account. Now I have $5 (including my massive $2 buyin for the tourney starting in 40 mins). Most of this has not really been my fault, but that's the breaks of exclusively playing tournaments. Unlike cash play, one bad/unlucky/stupid/i-want-to-throttle-my-opponent hand can fuck up your entire game.
OK, so tonight I deserved it, walking into a superbly laid trap (it took me 5 minutes to figure out how he fucked me), and thats what I get for playing Omaha, which I haven't played for a long time. But I've taken shitty beats all week from players who I know are worse than me, but keep drawing out, and I'm just about ready to bomb their hometowns just now. Especially apt, because I've just come off a table which was almost literally full of Germans. Despite being 1/4 Kraut, I'll go a long way to avoid germans at a poker table, because they're typically tight, aggressive, and have no sense of humor whatsoever. Wankers.
*pause for more beer*
OK, is it wrong for a dude to lip synch (my flatmate's asleep and I'm on the Ipod) to Sweet Disorder by Strawpeople? The voice in the back of my head is telling me I'm a fucking mincer, but the Heineken flavored voice in the front of my head is telling the other one to fuck off and die....
*more beer*
Back to teh poker.....I'm waiting for my next tourney to start. It's a $2.20 buy in. Heads-up NL Hold'em matches, winner takes all, limited to 128 players. So to get any money, youve got to win 7 head to head games on the trot, and get $216 for your trouble. 2nd gets a set of steak knives......
*I love beer....*
http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/wireStory?id=3712022This can fuck off, I KNOW when I'm buying shyte food, I don't need some fucking shopping trolly/Johnny-5 wannabe telling me I"m a fat bastard..........
http://msn.careerbuilder.com/custom/msn/careeradvice/viewarticle.aspx?articleid=1142&SiteId=cbmsn41142&sc_extcmp=JS_1142_advice&catid=wi&cbRecursionCnt=1&cbsid=c84d314e7f3546f09dbd608338317e79-245404203-W5-2For all of us who work in offices, or work with asshats. This shit is gold.....
http://www.tampabays10.com/news/local/article.aspx?storyid=65067Ship this dude to NZ, he can deal with the furry little fuckers over here....
http://www.harpers.org/archive/2007/10/0081728Because I know at least some of the ppl reading this can recognise more of the comic book superheroes/superhomos in this list than I can....
http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,22562199-29277,00.htmlOMFG Vodka actually THWARTS a suicide......this doctor needs a medal..... or sponsorship from Stolychnaya....
God bless Fark.com for keeping me up to date with all the really important news.
*insert beer here*
"Aint no sunshine when she's goooooone...............aint no sunshine when she's awaaaaay............." btw awesome string arrangement in this song.
Fuck. I'm wondering why I'm in a matchplay game now. I'm half-chopped, out of form, and my heads-up play was never that great to begin with. Oh well...........
.........Goddammit. knocked out on a coin toss in the first round. All in preflop KQs vs 77. His 77 held. Pooooze.
OK, impromptu poll here. What song would you sing for your survival on Rockstar? We'll say for the Supernova boys, cos INXS blows a bit.
Personally, I'd go for either Spiders by System of a Down, or Street Spirit by Radiohead. You can't sing these without knowing what you're doing.
In case anybody couldn't tell, I'm trying to stretch my body clock. Worked today 3pm til 11pm, next 3 days are 11pm till 7am (ie teh suck). Beer seemed like the best solution to this. On the upside I'm on leave after that.
This post was brought to you by a six-pack of Heineken, the letters F, U, and the number 69.
So bite me.