At any rate, this week so far has been shit with few bright points, and I'm over it. If anyone knows how to catch a break, please let me know; aparently my current bait and trap aren't good enough.
Monday started of positve; the lec said everyone did well on their philosophy and all was good and great. First clue right there. It is never all good and great for fourth year, apparently. Showed up to my tutorial and had my tut person telling me that she needs to talk to me after class.
Two key points about the tut person:
~She strongly dislikes me for no apparent reason. I've always done my work, I pay attention so whatever the hell it is, it's on her side not mine.
~She seems to harbour the impression that I've made it to fourth year by sheer luck and a whim. I'd love to show her my course marks where my average is above average.
I have told her countless times that I have my art elective immediately after class finishes. On the bloody dot. So of course she takes care to go around to everyone, give real feedback and give a damn about what they say. She comes to me. 5 minutes into my next class that I'm not at, to tell me basically in front of everyone "you failed. I'm really concerned because your philosophy showed lagre gaps in knowledge and many misconceptions and misunderstandings and hell yes, I was right about you all along you poor stupid person." That's unprofessionalism right there. You do not do that to someone. I wasn't expecting it, so i was crying my eyes out when she told me in front of people when she should have had the sense to tell me without people around. I tried to tell about how stressed I was and the various reasons (friends problems, family problems, prac problems, worrying about if my cat needed to be put down) and she just shut off and didn't give a shit. Well thanks, nice to know you care. And her comments on my work... bitch sums it up pretty well.
Thank the gods for art, really. Even if its made me never want to paint on a dead fish ever again (wtf, I know), I made a kickass octopus:
And my brother and his wife came over afterwards and he let me race him, even if he always loses. Awesome brother that he is.
Aaaaand then Tuesday went to hell. Sort of. I finally got somewhere with my mentor teacher (hey, some people break ice naturally and I used a sledgehammer this time. What ever), not nearly enough information, but for now it'll do. Got home, got my pretty Atobe and Ryoma posters and worked like hell at my second assignment, only to find that not a few paragraphs keft and I had to restructure half of it. I finished at 11pm, felt tired but great, went to print it off and yay I'm don--
No ink. WHY THE HELL IS THERE NO INK!?!?!?! And it's blue ink! I was only using black! WTFF?! We had no new blue inks, and the printer won't print unless all inks are useable. Two hours of freaking later, and we finally found one half empty. I'd been crying through out the whole thing cause that assignment is worth half my final mark for the unit, so I went to bed at 1am with a head, but at least knowing its printed.
Handed it in today, felt like a zombie through out the 4 hours of class, got home and then remembered my oldest cat has to go to the vet. The poor thing T____T I have a strong dislike for our new vet who's taken over. He's not good with my cats, is not as gentle as he should be, sounds like a walking text book, isn't friendly and argh! $100 later and Ceafer has stuff for his eyes and a booking for a tooth removal operation with subsequient painkillers and anitbiotics, a further $300. I am so finding a new vet after this. Jerk rattled off put downs about the awesome vet who was there before him.
This weekend is a party at karaoke, though. Nothing can go wrong with karaoke, so a GOOD post coming soon where I don't sound like a whiney brat.