Low energy day to the...Max? Or maybe minimum? The sort of day that you think you've had a good night's sleep, but you wake up feeling like you hadn't slept at all. Gulped coffee and went to work, and with the help of magical pill Ibuprophen, I prevailed against the masses of orcs and hordes of...undead.
Incidentally, I love this definition:
Thrilled fAiling: *DUHreams*
Mind Asleep: *reaves your dreams*
Thrilled fAiling: lol
Mind Asleep: well, to reave is:
http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=reaveThrilled fAiling: steal goods
Thrilled fAiling: you stole my goods?!?!
Mind Asleep: damn right.
Added because it's flattering:
Lindsay definition from urbandictionary.com
I never liked my name, but that's pretty funny.
- DreamWeaver DreamReaver