"If you host a life, why should you get to define it?"

Mar 14, 2010 16:19

I just...I don't even know what goes on in some people's heads. O_o

The pro-choice license plates have passed the General Assembly, thankfully without the proposed diversion of funds to the on-paper-only "Virginia Pregnant Women's Support Fund", and now await the governor's signature. And along with the article in the online version of the local paper came the usual anti-abortion flame war...abortion kills babies, the state shouldn't sell these "issue" plates (funny how nobody complained about that when the "Choose Life" plates were up for debate), Planned Parenthood promotes racist genocide, etc., etc. But among all the religious stupidity came one comment that just made me go "...bzuh?" From a Catholic, anti-choice poster named "marym63204", I give you this bit of Omega-level WTF:

The egg donor (remember, *not* the sperm donor) gets to define life in *every* circumstance. Because she happens to host that life, she gets to define it. That has *never* made sense to me and is probably where a huge disconnect occurs between liberals and conservatives.

Yes. This woman does not understand why the person hosting a "life" should be able to define it. It makes no sense to her that a woman should not be forced into full-body organ donation (not just "eggs", as marym seems to believe). The idea of a woman enjoying the same level of bodily autonomy that men take for granted is a cause of "disconnect" between liberals and conservatives.

...I can't decide whether to cry, scream, smash my head into a wall, or grab an Uzi and take out the Christianist patriarchal fuckwads who promote this nonsense. The fact that it's a woman spouting this misogynist bullshit makes it even worse. It shouldn't surprise me; I've seen some whoppers of sanctimony from marym over the years. In the same comment forum, she laments that Planned Parenthood is opening a new location in a low-income minority area...it "breaks [her] heart" that PP would set up among people who, you know, could actually need its services. She also blithely states that "babies, of any color, are easy to adopt." Of course they are, as long as the "color" is white and said baby is healthy and the prospective parents are well-off, married, and preferably Christian.

So here's the question I'd like marym63204 to answer: I'm assuming she has a home of some sort. Given that fact, does she believe that she has the right to say who should be allowed to live in her home? If she hosts a party, does she think she has the right to define "invited guest"? If her answer to those questions is "Yes", then why is it so hard for her to comprehend that a woman should be allowed to decide what takes up residence in her body and whether or not it's welcome?

I can't decide if marym is just incredibly naive, or if she's drunk entirely too much of the religious right-wing Kool-Aid. Either way, it both scares and sickens me that there are women out there who really believe the anti-woman propaganda spouted by the "Christian" right.

fundie wingnuts, feminism, i'm surrounded by idiots

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