
Jan 20, 2009 09:41

Hopefully today will be a slow one with very little work to do. The good news was that I had yesterday off so this week will only be a four day week. The bad news is that it's going to seem like it takes forever. Going to be taking next Monday off as well due to Chinese New Year and me having to use up the rest of my vacation days I carried over before March.

So Inauguration Day, I don't get what the big deal is, it's just another person getting sworn in as President. Sometimes I agree with the McCain campaign and that Obama is just another celebrity. There is absolutely no proof that he will do a good job as President and yet all these people are praising him like he is the coming of the Messiah and will be leading us to paradise. He's just a man, sure he's going to be the next President, but thats it. I'm pretty sure that this is a violation of the separation of church and state with all these Obama fanatics out there worshipping him and kissing his feet. It's pathetic really, all these people praising him, putting him up on a pedestal. People can't take responsibility for their own actions and refuse to fix things themselves. So now, all these Obama fanatics are hoping he will fix the problems for them. Very disturbing, Obama Jihadists doing anything he says because he promises them "hope."

On a much more important note than this Obama character, Fallout 3 is awesome. It's definitely time to take a break from WoW other than raiding. Time to play some post-nuclear apocalyptic mutant killing.


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