Rom the Spaceknight

Nov 16, 2008 09:35

Rom holds a special place in my heart. When I was about five, my family moved to Guam. My mom would take my brother and me to the island comic shop and let us get stuff from the quarter bins. I picked up a couple of Marvel Handbooks, and they had the entries for R and S in them. That covered Rom and the Spaceknights. I read about them and thought they were cool. When we went back I raided the cheap bin for Rom comics. It's the first comic I ever really 'collected' even though it was over at that point.

Recently a MB kit of Rom was re-released. The original run was a private commission a few years ago by some guys in France. There was a MB and FS released. I really wanted a FS, but there was no guarantee that they FS would be re-released, so I took what I could get with the MB. My painter did an excellent job on this piece. I think it's my favorite piece in my collection, and that includes licensed pieces as well. Wouldn't you know it though, a few days after I get the MB in, they decide to release the FS again. I'm picking it up, since I like this MB so much. I may end up selling the MB at some point. I'm also thinking of having the FS sent to a guy to chrome it.

The pictures of the piece do not do it justice, but it's all I can show.

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