31 things to do before I die

Jan 24, 2011 20:38

Have you ever thought of what you're going to do before you die? Recently, my friend posted a list of 100 things she wants to do before she dies. Her's turned out more humor-related and cracky. I had no clue how mine was going to turn out, but I decided to write one anyway.
It's more a mishmash of serious and cracky.

I'm only doing 31, because who knows EVERYTHING they want to do before they die just this moment? The list will grow.

--Was going to post this to facebook, then it got serious, then it got sexual.
RL friends are not allowed to see. XD

1. Visit Ireland.
2. Get lost in New Orleans.
3. Go diving in the ocean.
4. Take a road trip with no destination.
5. Fall (and stay) in love.
6. Let Charles walk me down the aisle.
7. Get the courage to tell Jennifer (birth mother) off.
8. After telling her off, forgive her for trying to kill me and all the other shit she's done.
9. Forgive my mother (adopted) for everything she's done.
10. Not be afraid to cry in front of someone I love.
11. Write (and finish) a novel.
12. Volunteer as much as possible for the ASPCA.
13. Gain a close relationship with my brother & sister.
14. Try tantric sex.
15. Learn to be open about my past depression, & how it affected me & still does.
16. Have sexytiemz with a chick.
17. Let go of my trust issues.
18. Get a four leaf clover tattoo for my heritage.
19. Make love underneath the stars.
20. Go out dancing all night long.
21. Be part of a protest.
22. Have a "library" in my house.
23. See My Chemical Romance in concert.
24. Go to Harry Potter Universal.
25. Cure the common coldcramp.
26. Visit a bookstore & buy everything that catches my eye - regardless of money.
27. Stop being self conscious of my scar.
28. Grow my hair out to my ass (at least once)
29. Get a brazilian - without crying.
30. Stop lying. Completely.
31. Learn to admit when I have no clue what I'm doing.
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