Rolled like thunder, clapped under our hands.

Dec 27, 2003 10:29

JizsizeL: Hello girl
lizz said: Hello boy
lizz said: We have interlocking parts
lizz said: and it would be foolish to not...interlock
JizsizeL: You mean....=-O
JizsizeL: hold hands ?
lizz said:, yes I do.

What if food fell from the sky like snow? Would you eat it? Would people say it was god's doing? I bet they would. I am god. We'll maby to my fish/snails/plastic plants/rocks/oyster shell/marbles. Anyways, thats all that matters to me.

Cynthia was suppose to be at my house for all of the break, but she wasn't. Now I am disapointed. Oh'well. It happens. Not her fault, kinda. Maby if I just assume nothing is going to work out then I wont ever have to worry about that. It kind of reminded me of Anna. (Sorry to make the referance of comparison, its just that Tristyn and I were talking about something really simmilar the other day).

I want some Baskin Robbins. ;-) Time to go talk to Lizz then make some phone calls.
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