Nov 25, 2003 00:26
I'm cold.
and alone.
I feel like I'm stuck in a time warp where every minute last's an hour and every thing I think I can count on breaks when I lean on it and I almost horribly fall off a cliff while Mike and Raji laugh. Not that thoes things really happen. Except they do.
I guess I can't really complain about life being hard. Tristyn has it way worse right now, and Sausha too. Two of the people I care about the most. Makes it harder.
Its time for some change I guess. I need someone. Maby I have already found them and I just can't let old worries go to get as close as I need. I want attention and affection unconditionaly that I can provide back. I need someone who I can emerge myself in. Someone who makes me not care about anything else in the world. I need a point of focus. I need to stop being on so many drugs with the curtians drawn and windows closed in a cold sweat under the blankets on my couch. I need to learn when to give up.
I need to go to sleep. I can't go to sleep.
I need a cigarette.