QOTD: "I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there."
The LiveJournal Support Team responded to my concern over the possible/imminent deletion of Kyle's journal:
Thank you for writing to us. We've placed the account in memorial status, which disables future entries by the account, but allows comments on existing entries. This status also prevents the account from being deleted for inactivity. If there is anything else we can do to assist you, please let us know.
LiveJournal Support Team
So that's pretty awesome. I'm glad it won't be inadvertently deleted, but I've also been concerned just about his journal's... stability? I'm glad there's a separate status it can be assigned. Saying that it gives me a sense of closure doesn't seem quite accurate, but more like a sense of rightness or goal-attainment. There's a lot to say, there's nothing to say.
BBC has wowed me today with a
story about some technology being demoed at that TED Global conference.*
Yes, yes that is a wireless neural interface.
So I went and I looked the thing up because they said it was commercially available. It really is! [
link] So even if the whole company goes under, I think I'm going to have to buy one of these bad puppies because I have ALWAYS wanted something like this. Seriously, I can't think of a piece of technology (other than a really good personal cloaking field) that I'd rather have. And it's so affordable! Not drop-in-the-bucket kind of affordable, but considering what you'd think something like that would cost it's amazing! Anyway, I'm very excited and I don't expect to start not being excited for quite a while. I think I know where my money will be going in October once my car is paid off. Zing!
* You may remember TED from their continuing series of
fascinating lectures.