Jul 16, 2009 20:28
QOTD: "All progress is based upon a universal innate desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income."
In LJ-land I've been pretty dead lately. IRL I've not been far from it. [melodrama] Been having to cover for the PA photographer on the weekends, which is not my cup of tea, and it's been very draining for me. Even just an hour or two on a Saturday seems like it cripples my weekly recuperation. There's no doubt it's more mental than real loss of rest time, but there it is, nonetheless. I have to photograph the governors' wives doing I have no idea what this Saturday. Aren't many things I care less to do than cover a dog and pony show, but I suppose that's not really up to me. I'd rather sleep. Originally I was supposed to be covering a luau party for members recently returned from deployment. Now the wives will be there. Nothing like stolen thunder to make a service member feel appreciated.*
Right now I'm cooking muffins. I'd rather be asleep. My hair needs to be cut pretty severely and I'd really like it to look decent for the chief's retirement tomorrow, but I don't really have the time left tonight. I forgot that I was supposed to do that this evening. I did re-pot several plants today. I did the same last night and will likely do the same tomorrow night. Tonight and yesterday I was driven off the balcony by intense mosquito attacks. They bit my feet. I have high hopes for some of these newly potted plants. I put one of my tomato plants in a pot with one of the "tomato tower" supports that I bought months ago. Its' got some blooms on it, which is encouraging. I have to take one of the tomato plants to my dad since I don't have another pot large enough to support another tower. I took him the last one of the three that I had and promised him a plant to grow on it. These are heirloom tomatoes I grew from seed, so I'm interested to see what I get. I don't really have the pots to grow them, so I only have four and only three are old enough to be ready to bloom. I hope to start some more spinach soon since the heat killed almost all of my last attempts. I'll grow it inside this time. The peppers are doing really well but not producing much. I've been overwatering them, so I need to work on my restraint.
Very busy day tomorrow. I'm not really looking forward to it. Today was mostly slow, though I didn't especially enjoy it. I really need some time off, but I think I've only got about a week left until February when my vacation renews and I'd like to travel some before then. 80 hours of vacation per year is not enough. Not enough.
* These views, of course, are not necessarily representative of any individual or group of service members who may or may not have been directly or indirectly referenced by these statements and/or inferences.