QOTD: "How are you feeling ONTD? We are nearing the 12 hour mark! Have you been more productive? Did you step outside for a while? Run some errands? Walk your dog? What have you all been doing without ONTD?"
In case you're not abreast of the latest drama in celebrity circles, you can always check the celeb gossip LJ community,
ohnotheydidnt. They are renowned for driving enough traffic on LJ to "break" LJ on a pretty routine basis. When the Anna Nicole Smith paternity tests were scheduled to be announced, they apparently were considering giving the LJ staff notice that they were about to break their site. People post like crazy on these epic posts to the point the post comment level maxes out and people will go back and delete a previous comment to make room for a different comment they have. It's really wild over there and sometimes I wish I had more interest in the topics just so that I could feel like a part of the madness.
ohnotheydidnt broke LJ in a totally new way that, to my knowledge, has never previously been done: They maxed out the total user comments. That's right, there were too many comments in the journal as a whole and no further comments could be posted. How many comments is that, you wonder? Well it would happen to be well over
16 million. I'm horrifically amused. The site is undergoing
repairs and has been changed from the defaulted post-only mode to read-only mode and users have been diverted to
ontd for their temporary fix. LJ drama for a community about drama. Befitting, I say. This is certainly a landmark in the timeline of LJ.