QOTD: "paris-ite |n.: A member of society who feels that they are above the law due to a low level of fame that is generally found via reality television."
So it's been ORI mania this week at work. Officially, we weren't scheduled to even start any work until this last Monday, but we decided not to wait for scheduling and so now we're at 70% completion. I decided to do a breakdown of all the categories we were working on and to percentages for all of them and for the overall completion and put them up on the schedule board. It seems to be helping with productivity... especially since I waited until we had our smallest category completed before displaying any numbers.
Though our list of particularly specific photos is something of a nuisance, it has provided benefits. It's a bit like a photo scavenger hunt and it's providing us with some nice photos here and there. Though I'm almost completely convinced that there are no compelling photos of lawn tractors in action, I did manage to get a pretty decent forklift photo. I also shot welding for the first time, and just from the maybe two minutes I spent on it, I've learned an enormous amount of information.
Today I also worked a little more on composing the book of almighty photo reference by which everyone that works in Photo can learn the things we do, step by step. I only made it about halfway through removing eyeglass glare before I got bored. I was also underwhelmed anew by the notion of other departments cross-training into Photo. It helped me make progress on the reference book. While instructions don't guarantee quality, odds are improved.
I still need to clean my apartment. And cook.
I went hunting for a chair for my balcony last weekend. My search failed to yield any acceptable possibilities. I want a chair with leg rests that will extend out completely flat. Apparently this concept exceeds our current level of technology. I may opt for a standalone hammock. I guess it would be acceptable, but not really what I want. Perhaps if it was low to the ground. Well, ground relative to my apartment. Being near the ground isn't really reasonable on the third floor.
I'm looking forward to doing nothing this weekend.