QOTD: "Who loves the chocolate? Everyone loves the chocolate. Nobody hates the chocolate. 'Cos everyone loves the chocolate."
Before I forget again, if you ever wanted to see Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) naked, you have a chance: [
And here's a small set of CTF photos that I somehow never got around to posting:
02 FEB 06
Micheal J., Hunter, CTF Micheal (anybody know his last name?), and Erik.
Micheal the CTF bandit!
Micheal J., CTF Micheal, Hunter, that guy whose name no one seems able to remember that reminds me a little of Clint but
not really enough to typically mention, Maxine, Hillary, Jordan and Sarah someone I'd never seen before and haven't seen since.
02 JAN 06
Here we have most of the regular crew: Kelly Stacks, CTF Micheal, Eric Wrigley (intermittently regular), Hillary, Maxine, and CJ.
Hillary attacks Eric with questionable efficiency.
Eric W. in my car.