
Apr 13, 2006 11:59

Christians sue for right to not be tolerant

There's a lot in that article. Legally, that's a huge issue. Handling that well will be quite an undertaking. For now, I'll say what I've always said and what has been said before: Equal rights, not special rights. Frankly, I don't give a damn what rights you strip from gays as long as you strip those rights from non-gays as well. Doesn't matter if homosexuality is inborn or simply behavioral. The everlasting debate point arises: Where's the harm? If you think that homosexuality is a chosen lifestyle and you think that your teachings that say that is is wrong aren't enough to ward your religion's followers from taking that path, then I suggest you reevaluate your teachings. Destroying the messenger won't eliminate your problem and as much as you might try to destroy the message, you can't. Because no message can ever effectively be completely destroyed. Nor should it be.

I support this student's right to speak and post messages of intolerance. As a supporter of free speech, I am required to protect the free speech rights of the individual regardless of the messages' appeal to me personally. They are trying to teach intolerance. They have that peaceful right. I will teach tolerance. Tolerance of everyone. Including those that do not agree with me and including those that would act to harm me.

Do not confuse tolerance for weakness.

the public, religion

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