Video: Ave Mary A

Feb 22, 2011 00:45

Title: Ave Mary A
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Characters: Castiel (briefly Dean, Anna, Uriel, Lucifer)
Genre: Drama
Spoilers: None past S5
Warnings: None

A/N: First video for Supernatural, and yes, it's short. But this song wouldn't leave me alone, so I had to do SOMETHING with it, even if it didn't end up exactly what I intended.

Castiel centric, with some appearances by Dean (of course) as well as Anna, Zachariah, Uriel, and Lucifer.

Clips used: Assorted from Supernatural seasons 4 and 5
Program: Sony Vegas 9.0
Song: "Ave Mary A" by Pink

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*video, character: angels, *supernatural, character: dean, character: castiel

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