(no subject)

Mar 16, 2011 23:04

Title: No More Dreaming
Rating: PG
Characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam
Genre: Drama
Spoilers: Seasons 4 and 5
Warnings: None

What if, after Sam jumped into the cage, that was it? Castiel never returned, Sam never got pulled out of the cage again by Crowley, Bobby was never resurrected. It would be just Dean; he would have lost everyone, and it would be the breaking point.

I blame the song for inspiring such a weird idea, and I apologize for not ACTUALLY including Bobby. I was going to, but... You know. Timing and space issues worked better with just Dean/Sam/Cas.

Also nyone in this fandom who HASN'T gotten ahold of Florence and the Machine's album Lungs should do so. They have so many incredible songs that work perfectly for Supernatural.

image Click to view

*video, *supernatural, character: dean, character: castiel, character: sam

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