Aug 26, 2004 14:09
I went back to the hospital this morning. Whew, so glad to be relieved of the "treatment" that I was undergoing. Ouch did it sting though when the doctor removed that tube thing out of me.
Going "camping" this evening. Well staying out at someone's house that my mom knows, cos her place of employment is having a picnic at Canyon de Chelly. But before that she has to go to a meeting in Chinle at 8 am. I didn't like the idea of leaving here at 6 am, so I suggested that we should just drive out there this evening because my mom hasn't had enough sleep the past few nights. Hmm, I didn't have adequate sleep last night either. I awoke somewhere after 4 am and couldn't fall asleep til after 5:15 or so.
Last night was fun, we had a "girls night out" at my friend Carey's house. My sister, my two friends and I were there all evening, we ate lasagna, played Taboo, and so on... fun fun fun.
I actually feel pretty happy today. These past few weeks its seemed kind of hard to feel that way, but I am feeling a lot better today. I'm still trying to figure out what I should be doing with my life right now, but I know that will all come in time. I'm confident that I will know before too long. I was encouraged sunday by someone I didn't expect to be, haha, by lucy, she asked me what I was going to do now, if I was coming back to Master's. I said probably not, and I didn't know what yet. She said that God will let me know in time. :)