May 23, 2004 08:36
'tis an early sunday morning, and i am going to begin attacking my mountain of homework given to us by the teachers of our school. i just hate how they've been giving us so much work lately. oh well, at least there are only about 24 days left of school.
it's weird though. for practically this entire year i've been so fricken happy that i'm leaving 122, that this is my last year, and that i'll never have to go back to that hellhole again. so many things that i hate that i'll be so happy to leave behind. lately, though, i've been thinking about it more and i realize that next year i'll be going to high school which is a whole new place, and it never bothered me before because i was always so happy that i could get a fresh start. now, though, i'm starting to get more nervous about it. i know there will be more work and it will be harder, but it's not just that. there's all the new people, all the new teachers, the fact that it's an entirely new building than the one i've been used to for six's just a little overwhelming to think about all that. and the truth is, i'm actually going to miss 122. true, it did bring a lot of bad experiences, but there were good ones as well. besides, i think the bad ones only made me stronger and taught me how to learn from my mistakes.
next year i'll have anna, stephanie, and nick at high school with me and they are all really awesome so i'm glad they'll be there, but i'll still miss julie, catherine, dominick, diana, deeanna, ryan, madison, ria, katherine, marisa, jl...aah what am i saying, i'll miss everyone. even the people i don't like much, i'll still miss them a little. i'll even miss some of the teachers. not mrs.vega or mrs.dinstein or mr.hartofilis, but ms.tobias {who's retiring next year!!! ~cries~}, mrs.parrett {who i really hope gets better}, ms.n {most awesome teacher}, ms.antzoulis {sure she may not like me but she's a really cool teacher too} and I'LL EVEN MISS MS.HONG. i know that if you go to 122 you'll be thinking "whaaat?!" but i'm serious. she taught me more than mr.atkins did, and she gave me better grades on tests. not to mention that you could get away with things pretty easily in her class. plus it's really funny when ryan imitates her accent. ~sighs~ i guess i better enjoy the good things while they last.
oh by the way, the subject is what ms.hong said to nick when he gave her an excuse saying why he didn't do the math homework. in case any of you were wondering. =)