October 15th, FRIDAYYY!

Oct 15, 2010 09:37

The last time I posted here was on October 15, 2010. Since then it seems that something changed on this site and I can no longer post new entries (or maybe I haven’t figured out how) so I’ll update through this old post. Today is March 6, 2019. In December, Diego and I will have been married for 10 years. Man, how life flies. I spent the past hour and a half or two reading old posts from my high school days and my heartbreaks and crazy weight loss journeys and I wish I could tell young me to stop worrying about guys so much when the whole world was at her feet. Reading all the old posts really put things into perspective in regards to our mortality and our short time on earth. I am sad as I realize how quickly time is passing but I also embrace where I currently am in life. I am 30 years old. I am married; we have grown so much together from the kids we met each other as. I am a mom. My son, Lucas, is 4 years old. My daughter, Emma, just turned 3. Lucas is careful and loves with his whole being. Emma is confident and extremely intelligent. They are all that matters to me in this world. I realize that I never, ever knew the true meaning of love until they made me a mom. It’s like my life was split into two sections: before and after kids. I stopped dieting a long time ago. I’m thin and happy and healthy. I haven’t skated in a long time. At least two years. I miss being on the ice. I went back to school when Lucas was born and now I’m about to graduate with my Bachelor’s in Psychology. I plan to pursue a master’s degree in Speech Therapy. My best friend, Jonathan Junco, disappeared from Facebook after becoming a police officer and entering into a serious relationship. I have not heard from him in several years and have no idea how to contact him and it breaks my heart. I miss him. My best girl friends from high school, Rebecca and Sarah, are doing well. Rebecca is married too. I haven’t seen Sarah in many years but we keep in touch through Facebook. MySpace hasn’t existed in years, I believe. But we still use LOL and LMAO. Haha! These days I enjoy taking the kids to Disney....a LOT. We go at least one weekend per month since we live almost a 3 hour drive away. I love the simple pleasures of life and those mainly revolve around quality time with family whether on vacation or at home. We purchased our second home (sold the first) in Fort Myers and live 30 minutes from my parents who live here part time and half of the week or more in Fort Lauderdale, where they purchased a condo close to my dad’s job. I love my parents. I wish they could be around forever. I wish my kids could stay small and need me forever. I wish I could freeze this moment in time for a while to truly enjoy it to the fullest before 10 years go by again in the blink of an eye. October 15, 2010 I started the slim fast diet again on Monday and I've already lost 2 lbs this week. :)
I didn't miss a single day of riding and averaged about 50 miles on my bike this week.
I did get chased by some Rottweilers on Tuesday and it was scary!
I just got back from my ride and had some green tea with flax seeds and honey.
I hope to get rid of the last 20 lbs before January 1st, and If I keep up 2lbs/week, I should get there by December 17th.
(Crossing Fingers)
We're going up to Tampa this weekend and we started Best Buy on Monday, it's okay so far.
Diego is iN school and later he works, so I have the day to myself and I have no idea what to do, i'm going to be bored haha.
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