Bunch of Quizzes :)

Dec 23, 2005 18:53

Today, Friday, December 23, 2005

Well, I'm sick, and it sucks. Anyways, I don't feel like writing, so I took all these quizzes, and well, here they are :)

>[( About You Survey )]<
[-The Basics-]
-Name- Heather
-Nickname(s)- Heatherly... and a lot more
-DOB- 2/21/91
-Hair Color- Blonde
-Eye Color- They change colors a lot...
-Nationality- Polish, Greek, German, and other stuff
-Height- 5'4"
-Weight- No idea...
-Singer- Miranda Lambert
-Band- Relient K
-Show- Freinds
-Channel- TBS... they have awesome movies :)
-Candy- Lollipops
-Drink- Water/Sprite/Chocolate Milk
-Clothing Brand- Aero
-Store- Aero/Pac Sun
[-This Or That-]
-Tv Or Movies- Moives
-Pop Or Rock- Rock
-PC Or Laptop- PC
-Aim Or Yahoo- AIM
-Black Or White- Black
-Brunette Or Blonde- Blonde
-Friends Or Family- Friends
-Prep Or Punk- Punk
[-Love Life-]
-Do You Have A Bf/Gf?- Nope
-If So, How Long?- N/A
-Crushing Or Loving- Yes
-Ever Been In A Relationship?- Yes
-Ever Had Your First Kiss?- Kinda...
-If So, When?- August 6, 2005
-The 1st Person You Ever Had A Crush On- Ryan Hobbes... or Logan...
-Your Dream Bf/Gf?- Someone who is nice and caring, and has a sense of humor. Willing to try new things, and can actually show they way they actually feel. I really don't know. Once I find them, I'll let you know exactly...

Which friend is the...
.: x craziest- Brian?
.: x sweetest- Alex James Munroe/ Dan (from NJ)
.: x prettiest- umm, Jenny?
.: x smartest- Alex James Munroe
.: x girly- Megan
.: x easiest to be grossed out- hmm, KK
.: x blondest- Kelsey :P
.: x honest- Jenny/Androo
.: x trustworthy- Jenny/Androo/Kelsey
.: x sporty- Androo
.: x animal lover- Meggie
.: x computer genius- Errr...
.: x xanga nerd- None?
.: x funniest- Andrew Sutton or Andry Daransky
.: x drama person- Quinn :P
.: x band person- David :)
.: x someone who always has their homework done- KK?
.: x flirtiest- Alex James Munroe...

About your Past and Present Friends
.: x which friend have you known the longest? Brian
.: x which friend have you known the least? Leigha Marie?
.: x who was your first best friend? Maria Colodanoto... I think (however you spell it)
.: x is he/she still your best friend? Nope
.: x which friend do you miss the most? hmmm, either Logan or Amy Hughe... I think...
.: x has one of your friends moved far away before? Yes
.: x who has the most classes with you? Andrew Sutton and Nikki and Erin

Which of your friends is most likely to...
.: x be a teacher- Erin
.: x be a computer person- Err....
.: x become a homemaker- what's that?
.: x live on the wild side- Brian...
.: x travel all around the world- Quinn
.: x become famous- Everyone in Falling Up
.: x fall in love before 20- Alex James Munroe
.: x become a sports star- Androo
.: x not go to college- Andrew Sutton
.: x get married twice- Alex James Munroe...
.: x have 4 kids- Kelsey
.: x become a telemarketer- Errr...
.: x be your best friend throughout your whole life- umm... Jenny :)

Perfect Guy...
.: x hair color- Black or Blonde
.: x eye color- Green or Blue
.: x height- Taller than me
.: x short or long hair- Mediumish Long
.: x prep, skater, jock, etc.- Umm, themself :)
.: x teeth- Um, I don't get it? What about teeth?
Answer yes or no...
.: x glasses- sure :)
.: x contacts- sure :)
.: x buff- I don't care :)
.: x piercings- sure :)
.: x tattoos- Err, rather no...
.: x cook- sure :)
.: x love his MOM- sure :)
.: x watch chicks flick with you- umm... sure :)
.: x cuss- whatever floats his boat :)
.: x drink- Rather no...
.: x smoke- Rather no...
.: x write poems- Sure :)
.: x walk to your door- Sure :)
.: x pay dinner- I hate when guy's don't let the girls help pay if she wants to :)
.: x wild or conserved- Both :)

Do you wear black eyeliner?: no
How much black clothing do you own?: A lot
Do you think about death often?: Sometimes
Do you want to die?: No
Are you a social outcast?: No
Are you pale?: Kinda
Do you cut?: No
Do you like Hot Topic?: Yes

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: Nope
How often do you go into Vans?: Yes
What's your sneaker brand?: Etnies
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: Yes
Are the long skater cuts hott?: ...?
How much do you get in trouble?: I don't know... not a lot a lot
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"?: Maybe?
How many piercings do you have?: 2

How often do you say the word "like"?: A lot
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: Nope
Are the A&F models hott?: Like, the guys...
How many purses do you own?: None
Is lipgloss a must?: No
How often do you wear makeup?: Barely ever
Ever had a manicure?: Nope
Rock music is bad, right?: Nope
Are you ever ditzy?: Yes
Do you own high heels?: Yes
Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"?: Yes
Are you a cheerleader?: No

Is your hair long?: Well, I'm a girl... so yeah
Are you a vegetarian?: No
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: No
Do you want peace?: Sure
Do you want to save the animals?: Sure
What do you think about the war?: I don't care
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers?: Yes

Are you from the ghetto?: No
Do you own "bling bling"?: No
What do you think about do-rags?: I don't wear them...
Do you like rap?: Yes
How about hip-hop?: Yes
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: I don't know
What do you think about afros?: They look funny :)
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: yes
How about 'oh, snap son'?: nope

Is life a party?: No
How often do you get drunk?: Never
What's the point of getting drunk anyway?: No point
Do you care about your grades?: Yes
Do you need attitude adjustment?: Kinda

How often do you cry?: A lot
Do you have an ex?: Yes
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: Used to
Are you emotional?: Yes
Do you like soft music?: Yes
Do people understand you?: No
Do you write your own songs?: No
Is your hair dyed dark?: no

Do you play any sports?: No
How important are they to you?: N/A
How important is your reputation?: I could care less what people thought about me
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: Nope
What do you think about football?: I love football :)
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: Nope

Do you wear glasses?: Yes
Do you get good grades?: Kinda
Are you smart?: I lack common sense
Do you use an inhaler?: No
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: No
Does your mom buy your clothes?: No
How often are you on the computer?: Like, all the time
Do you get picked on?: No
Are you single?: Yes
Do you want to be single?: Not really
Who was your first kiss?: errr... well... it was a truth or dare game... and it was Quinn
Haveyou ever had a bf/gf?: yes
Who was your first bf/gf?: David Martin McCullough
Have you ever asked someone out?: Nope

have you ever...

( ) snuck out of the house
(x) gotten lost in your city
(x) saw a shooting star
( ) been to any other countries besides the united states
( ) had a serious surgery (Or will)
(x) gone out in public in your pajamas
( ) kissed a stranger
(x) hugged a stranger
( ) been in a fist fight
( ) been arrested
( ) laughed and had milk/coke come out of your nose
(x) pushed all the buttons on an elevator
( ) swore at your parents
(x) been in love
( ) been to a casino
( ) been skydiving
(x) broken a bone
( ) skinny-dipped
( ) skipped school
( ) flashed someone
( ) saw a therapist
( ) played spin the bottle
( ) gotten stitches
(x) drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour
(x) bitten someone
( ) been to Niagara Falls
( ) gotten the chicken pox
( ) crashed into a friend's car
( ) been to Japan
( ) ridden in a taxi
( ) been dumped
( ) been fired
( ) had a crush on someone of the same sex
(x) had feelings for someone who didnt have them back
( ) gone on a blind date
(x) lied to a friend--only to keep them from getting hurt
( ) had a crush on a teacher
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans
( ) been to Europe
( ) slept with a co-worker
( ) been married
( ) gotten divorced
( ) had children
( ) seen someone die
( ) had a close friend die
( ) been to Africa
( ) Driven over 400 miles in one day
( ) Been to Canada
( ) Been to Mexico
(x) Been on a plane
( ) Seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show
( ) Thrown up in a bar
( ) Purposely set a part of myself on fire
( ) Eaten Sushi
( ) Been skiing/snowboarding
(x) Met someone in person from the internet
( ) lost a child
( ) gone to college
( ) graduated college
( ) done hard drugs
( ) tried killing yourself
(x) fired a gun
(x) purposely hurt yourself
( ) taken painkillers
(x) love someone or miss someone right now

01.) Name:: Heather
02.) Middle Name:: Lee
03.) DOB:: 2/21/91
04.) Age:: 14
05.) Location:: PA
06.) Eye Color:: They change colors often
07.) Hair Color:: Blonde
08.) Hair Length:: Long
09.) Height:: 5'4"
10.) Shoe Size:: 8 in guys, no clue in girls...
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: Glasses
12.) Braces:: Used to
13.) Single or Taken:: Single
14.) Bad Habits:: Falling for guys very easily, and not being able to stay mad at people, and biting myself when I get mad :)
15.) Fears:: Dying, other people dying, spiders, snakes, knives, chainsaws... a bunch of stuff
16.) Screen Name:: xxlilshorty100xx

1. Knives
2. Chainsaws
3. Death

1. My friends
2. Nature
3. Music

1. People who hate me
2. People who judge other people before they get to know them
3. My sister

1. Alex James Munroe
2. This one blonde joke...
3. Why people don't know what came first, the chicken or the egg...

1. Paper
2. Lamp
3. Speakers

1. Typing
2. Listening to music
3. Breathing

1. Travel around the world
2. Find my true love
3 .Jump off a bridge

1. Ramble on...
2. A bunch of stuff with my tongue :P
3. Flip Out :)

1. Brutally Honest
2. Outgoing
3. Caring
1. Umm... I don't know how to answer this one...

1. Lick my elbow
2. Stay mad at people
3. Play the piano with both hands

1. Relient K
2. Emery
3. Matchbox 20
1. 'like'
2. 'guess what!'
3. 'omg'

1. chicken
2. ice
3. apples

1. Talked to people
2. Hugged people
3. Got Christmas presents :)

01. Any good memories from this year? Yes
02. Any bad memories from this year? Yes
03. Do you regret anything from this year? Yes
04. Do you regret anything you've ever done? Yes
05. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? David McCullough
06. Did you ever have braces? Yes
07. What is your best childhood memory? Errr...
08. Do you have the same friends you did when you were seven and under? Umm, one or two of them maybe?
09. What color hair did you have as a kid? Blonde
10. What does your name mean? A flowering Plant... something like that

01. Current Music: Relient K
02. Current CD in player: Relient K
03. Current conversations: Umm... with Jenny
04. Current time: 6:07
05. Current clothes: Center Hoodie, winter olympics t-shirt, black pants...
06. Current hair: Blonde, down braids
07. Current taste: I can't taste anything
08. Current mood: Sick
09. Current smell: Moonlight Way
10. Current thing you should be doing: Nothing
11. Current desktop picture: Falling Up
12. Current favorite group: Relient K
13. Current book: Nobody has to know... something like that
14. Current refreshment: None
15. Current worry: That I'll be sick on Christmas?
16. Current crush: Haha, umm... Brad :P

>>last survery
The last movie you watched? umm, Camp Nowhere... something like that...
The last song you listened to? Who I am Hates Who I've Been - Relient K
The last book you read? Nobody Has to Know
The last thing you ate? Wendy's
The last thing you drank? Ice Water
The last scent you smelled? Moonlight Way
The last dessert you ate? Starberry Parfait
The last thing you fell over? Myself
The last picture you took? of Taylor Price :)
The last person you kissed? Ummm... I don't know
The last person you hugged? Kelsey prolly...
The last person you talked to? Jenny
The last person who made you cry? umm, not sure
The last person who made you laugh? Jenny
The last person you saw? KK
The last person you dated? David
The last person who spent time with you? ummm, KK I think
The last person you hated? Taylor Sirko
The last person who was mean to you? umm, Taylor Sirko
The last person who was nice to you? Jenny
The last time you ate? at like 4:30 today
The last time you slept? Last Night?
The last time you used the bathroom? before I got on the computer :)
The last time you cried? Today
The last time you laughed? Today
The last time you hurt yourself? The last time I got mad and bit myself... or... whenever I like, went to the movies and did that thing to my thumb...
The last time that you read? A while ago
The last time that you listened to a CD all the way through? Recently
The last time you spent a night over at someone else's house? umm... a long time ago...
The last time you spent with a friend? Jenny and Meggie at the mall I believe
The last time you had sex?: Never did
The last time you did drugs?: Never did
The last time you cursed?: I don't know...
The last time you prayed? I don't know...
The last time you wished you were dead? Recently, most likely...
The last time you wished someone else was dead?: All the time...
The last time you wished you didn't have to end something? Ummm, I don't know...
The last time you played a videogame? Yesterday
The last time you watched TV? Today, before I got on here
The last time you wrote something down on paper? All the time
The last time you smiled?: Today
The last time you were truly happy? ummm, I don't know
The last time that you were sad? I'm usualy always sad...
The last time you told someone that you loved them? Ummm, today :)
The last time you talked on the phone? Like, at 2 something today
The last time you posted on an internet forum? Today :)
The last time you sent an email? I don't know, I don't feel like looking
The last time you used IM programs to talk to someone? Today
The last time you updated your blog/webpage/livejournal/etc.? I don't know, just look at the entry before this...
The last time that you sat and thought about your life? I don't know
The last time in which you declared "I hate you!"? Errr... I don't know
The last time you downloaded something off the internet? I don't know...
The last time you took a survey? I don't know...

>>layers survey

TheY CalL me: Heather
Birth date: 2/21/91
Birthplace: Allgheny (however you spell it)
Current Location: PA
Eye Color: They change colors
Hair Color: Blonde
Height: 5'4"
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Your heritage: a bunch of stuff
Shoes you wore today: etnies
Your weakness: caring too much
Your fears: a bunch of stuff
Your perfect pizza: pepperoni?
Goal you'd like to achieve: I don't know...

Your most overused phrase: omg
Your thoughts first waking up: 'Oh great, another day'
Your best physical feature: eyes?
Your bedtime: whenever I feel like it
Your most missed memory: being truly happy :)
Your best friend(s): Jenny, and KK, and Androo, and Kelsey, and Alex James Munroe, and whoever else :)

Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: Mickey D's
Single or group date: both
Adidas or Nike: Adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino

Smoke: No
Swear: Not really
Sing: Yes
Take a shower: Yes
Have a crush: Yes
Want to go to college/university: Yes
Like(d) high school: Yes
Want to get married: Yes
Believe in yourself: Yes
Get motion sickness: Yes
Think you're attractive: No
Think you're a health freak: No
Get along with your parent(s): With my daddy
Like thunderstorms: Yes
Play an instrument: Yes

Drank alcohol: No
Smoked: No
Done a drug: No
Had Sex: No
Gone to the mall: Yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: Yes
Eaten sushi: No
Been on stage: Yes
Been dumped: No
Dumped someone: Yes
Gone skating: Yes
Made homemade cookies: Yes
Gone skinny dipping: No
Dyed your hair: No
Stolen anything: Yes

>>Do you.. survey
Do you notice someone staring at you from across the room?: Yes
Do you smile at strangers?: Yes
What kind of clothes do you buy?: Comfy
How much do you spend on clothes weekly?: Ummm... i hate shopping
How many bowls of cereal do you eat in the morning?: I don't eat breakfast
Do you give your dog a bone?: yes
Do you give your cat any cat nip?: yes
Do you own a hedgehog?: no
How often do you clean your room?: whenever it gets messy
How many days do you normally miss during a school year?: none
How many days do you skip?: none
Do any of your classes go on field trips?: no
Are you in elementary, middle school, or high school?: High school
Do you live up north or down south?: Umm, up north
Do you live torwards the west?: Nope
The east?: Yes
Central?: No
Have you ever been to China?: No
What countries would you like to visit?: France, Greece, Germany... Austraila
Do you like to roll people's houses?: ...? no?
Ever played the drums on a steering wheel?: sure?
How often do you go to the doctor's office?: Not that often
How many pillows do you have on your bed?: 5 or something like that
How many shoes are in your closet?: none
How many "lost" socks are under your bed?: none
Do you like cheerleaders?: Some
I'm a cheerleader: No
Are you on the Honor Roll, Merit Roll, or No Roll?: Honor Roll
What is the lowest grade you have ever made on your report card?: C
Can you roll your tongue?: No
How many times?: umm... ?
Can you cross your eyes?: Yes
Can you cross one eye and keep the other looking completely straight?: No
Can you wiggle your ears?: No
How many times?: N/A
Can you throw your voice?: I don't know what that means...
Were you named after anyone?: No
What type of tennis shoes do you wear?: etnies
Have you ever skateboarded?: yes
Do you like to play with fire?: yes
Are you a redneck?: Not really?
Do you own a GPS?: what's that?
How many speakers(any kind) are in your house?: Never counted?
How many brushes do you own?: one
Have you ever been rolled?: what's that?
Do you like egging houses?: Never have
Do you go to parties to get drunk, hook up, or both?: no...
What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?: I don't smoke
What was your first cuss word spoken outloud?: umm... Shit?
Screamed?: I don't know
Whispered?: I don't know
Have you ever pierced your own?: No?

>>movie survey
(x)the lion king
(x)the lion king 2
(x)the lion king 1 1/2
(x)harry potter and the sorcerers stone
(x)harry potter and the chamber of secrets
(x)harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban
(x)lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
(x)lord of the rings the two towers
(x)lord of the rings the return of the king
( )the patriot
(x)pirates of the caribbean
(x)a knights tale
( )the passion of the christ
(x)the man in the iron mask
(x)kingdom of heaven
( )white chicks
(x)batman returns
( )mr. and mrs. smith
(x)the terminal
(x)forrest gump
(x)the little mermaid
(x)the little mermaid 2
(x)cinderella 2
(x)spiderman 2
( )the village
(x)the butterfly effect
(x)hollow man
(x)the fox and the hound
(x)the mummy
(x)the mummy returns
(x)dumb and dumber
(x)dumb and dumberer
(x)aladdin: the king of thieves
(x)aladdin: the return of jafar
( )the big green
( )my girl
( )pretty woman
(x)miss congeniality
(x)miss congeniality 2
(x)casper 2
(x)casper meets wendy
(x)cats and dogs
(x)lilo and stitch
(x)george of the jungle
(x)airbud - basketball
(x)airbud - soccer
(x)airbud - football
(x)lady and the tramp
(x)lady and the tramp 2
(x)all dogs go to heaven
( )road house
(x)dunstin checks in
( )small soldiers
(x)the swan princess [any]
(x)oliver and company
( )the mouse detective
(x)finding neverland
( )ladder 49
(x)alien vs. predator
( )raise your voice
( )the calcium kid
(x)the kid
(x)big fat liar
( )cant buy me love [old]
(x)cant buy me love [new]
( )bad boys
( )bad boys 2
( )whatever it tkaes
(x)the master of disguise
(x)a walk to remember
(x)dr. dolittle
(x)dr. dolittle 2
(x)daddy day care
(x)independence day
(x)mr. deeds
(x)confessions of a teenage drama queen
(x)stuart little
(x)stuart little 2
(x)mean girls
( )van wilder
( )summer catch
(x)save the last dance
(x)saving private ryan
(x)the prince and me
( )sleepover
(x)what a girl wants
(x)big daddy
(x)anger management
(x)50 first dates
(x)shark tale
(x)bring it on
(x)bring it on again
(x)finding nemo
(x)edward scissorhands
(x)monsters inc.
(x)the day after tomorrow
( )we were soldiers
(x)cast away
( )freaky friday [old]
(x)freaky friday [new]
(x)raising helen
(x)the little black book
(x)i am sam
( )enough
( )john q
(x)the green mile
( )radio
(x)bruce almighty
(x)drive me crazy
(x)the jungle book
(x)the jungle book 2
(x)legally blonde
(x)legally blonde 2
(x)the notebook
( )king arthur
(x)bicentennial man
(x)captain hook
(x)mrs. doubtfire
( )patch adams

>>t.v. survey
(x)the o.c.
( )reno 911
(x)family guy
(x)kim possible
(x)the real world
(x)the andy milonakis show
(x)viva la bam
(x)damage control
(x)date my mom
(x)room raiders
(x)proud family
(x)invader zim
(x)thats so raven
(x)wild boys
( )laguna beach
(x)the price is right
(x)the pyramid
(x)who wants to be a millionaire
(x)family feud
( )supermarket sweep
( )robot chicken
( )the grim adventures of billy and mandy
( )monk
( )the kids next door
( )ed ed n eddy
(x)sabrina the teenage witch
(x)yes dear
(x)that 70s show
(x)american dad
(x)king of queens
(x)extreme makeover
(x)extreme makeover:home edition
(x)everybody loves raymond
( )hope and faith
( )complete savages
(x)8 simple rules
(x)two and a half men
(x)csi [any]
( )nip/tuck
( )chappelle show
(x)one tree hill
(x)gilmore girls
(x)step by step
(x)family matters
(x)boy meets world
( )leave it to beaver
(x)all in the family
( )green acres
(x)fresh prince of bellaire

Bold all that apply to you
I'm a girl
I'm a boy
I like rain
I am a good dancer
I wear tank tops
I like thongs
I watch cartoons
I've watched Nick Jr. well into my teens
I spend too much time online
I have a collection of something
I have too many clothes
I can't control myself
I prefer construction paper over regular printer paper
I have a coloring book
I've been in a different country other than my own
I pretend to know things I don't
I complain too much
My life isn't as bad as I like to say it is
Someone likes me
I wish I weren't so stupid
I think I need to talk to someone about my problems
I don't treat my friends as well as I should
I can stand on my toes
Tongue-twisters are easy to say
I listen to 80s music
I have too many secrets to count
try to be as honest with people as much as possible
I'd be better off without my parent(s)
I have more than one life-changing regret
I want to live to be over 100
I listen to heavy metal
I sometimes stereotype people even though I say I hate labels
I'm artsy and 100% original
My nose is stuffy right now
I wish the weather would be warmer
I've frollicked on a beach
I once updated my xanga/journal more than 5 times in a day
I have more than one messaging program
I think South Park is the best show ever
I love Johnny Depp
If I see a penny, I always pick it up
I watch Disney movies regularly
Peter Pan has the right idea
I have a special cup that nobody can use but me
I'm territorial
Even if I believe in non violence, I will fight for what I believe in
I have a new computer
My boy/girlfriend doesn't treat me as well as they should
I try to be a good person to everyone
I am rude
I snore and/or sleep talk
I over-eat when I am too stressed out
I take a lot of pics of myself then delete them
I have an interest in designing things
I'm a follower, not a leader
I watch Comedy Central like there's no tomorrow
I underestimate what my parents probably know about me
I listen to music all the time
I'm a huge nerd
I know the real definition to the word 'dork'
I'm not as charitable as I could & should be
I am a member to 5+ web-sites
I like to play neopets daily.
I know someone that needs help, but I don't try to help them
I've dipped my head under water to hold my breath to see what 'drowning' feels like
I have a step-family
I've thought about dying before
I didn't have many friends when I was growing up
I comment on my friends xangas/journals
I watch the news
I'm into politics
I do my homework regularly
I have a cell-phone
I'm not shy
I have three blankets on my bed that are all different colors
I think my house/appartment smells weird
I am two-faced around certain people
I bite my nails
I watch Lord of the Rings at least once a week
I think some of my friends are total nerds
I have a penpal
I think stickers are the coolest
I like to correspond with people through actual letters & packages
I think hugs are the greatest show of affection
I sometimes don't wash my hands after I use the potty
I have tried my hand at acting
I made a positive difference in someone else's life
My friends barely know how I feel
I have a car
I've run up a phone bill
I watch the Surreal Life
I have an optimouse
My internet is too slow for my needs
I love to eat chocolate
My biggest fear is being alone
I have a best friend who knows me 100%
I like the band Coldplay
I have/used to have braces
I find everyone attractive in their own way
I have been in a long distance relationship
I look for the good in people
I'm usually fun to be around
I cry at least once a week
I have stuffed animals
I don't have cable
I like to work out
I don't like to complain

>>say the first word that comes to your mind
..snow? Winter
..rain? Thunder
..tornado? Movie
..summer love? Grease
..Jon? Oscar
..Mike? Arizona
..Shea? Staduim
..banana? Phone
..dizzy? Sick
..Laura? Trumpet
..Juan? Huh
..car? Vroom
..white? Black
..peppermint? Chapstick
..New Found Glory? Bo
..placebo? Bo?
..orange juice? Florida
..candid camera? Smile
..sister? Christin
..brother? wishful thinking
..hate? love
..school? Brad...
..President? Stupid
..football? Fun
..rap? Dan
..pop? rocks (the candy)
..rock? roll
..punk? rock
..sex? machine
..death? black
..baby? duckie
..duuude? Jenny
..the end? Death?

--What is your favorite.. --
gum - ummm, double bubble?
restaurant - Texas Roadhouse
drink - Sprite, Water, Chocolate Milk
season - Fall
type of weather - Cool
emotion - Happy?
thing to do on a half day - Sit on the computer
late-night activity - Computer?
sport - Baseball
city - Cleveland
store - Aero/Pac Sun

--When was the last time you.. --
cried - Today
played a sport - Err...
laughed - Today
hugged someone - Yesterday
kissed someone - Ummm...
felt depressed - Today
felt elated - No idea what that means...
felt overworked - Ummm...
faked sick - Why fake sick?
lied - Err... hmm... no idea

What was the last..
word you said - yeah
thing you ate - frosty
song you listened to - Pressing On - Relient K
thing you drank - Ice Water
place you went to - Advanced Auto
movie you saw - Camp Nowhere or whatever it was called...
movie you rented - Umm... it had Orlando Bloom in it...
concert you attended - My chorus concert...

Who was the last person you..
hugged - Kelsey I think...
cried over - No idea
kissed - Err...
danced with - I hate dancing :)
shared a secret with - Probably Androo :)
had a sleepover with - Err... probably Jenny :)
called - Jenny
went to a movie with - Jenny and Androo
saw - KK
were angry with - Hmmm...
couldn't take your eyes off of - Brad... haha :P
obsessed over - Well, I don't think I'm obsessed with him, but other people think I am and to a certain degree he thinks so too (but thinks its flattering :P), so Brad :P

--Have you ever.. --
danced in the rain - I've played in the rain :)
kissed someone - I don't know...
done drugs - Nope
drank alcohol - Nope
slept around - Nope
partied 'til the sun came up - yes
had a movie marathon - No?
gone too far on a dare - Nope
spun until you were immensely dizzy - Yes!
taken a survey quite like this before - Yes

What would you do if...

--You were riding a rollercoaster and someone throws up all over you.. Freak out...
--Someone you know was at the same wedding you were and you were the flower gurl//ring boy.. What would I care?
--You were at the zoo for your little siblings birthday party and your crush was there with his gurlfriend.. Well, hang out with them if I were friends with them, and they didn't mind. If I didn't know them or something, then I would let them go ahead and judge me :)
--You were walking in the lunchroom to your seat, drop the banana, slip and fall and then everyone starts laughing at you..Laugh with them... I know that I would def. wind up doing something like that :)
--You yell at your younger brother, but wait// that's not really your brother.. Feel bad, and then apologizes, and then regret yelling...
--You farted in class and it was silent reading time.. Hmmm... act like it wasn't me?
--You were at a basketball game and you were sitting in a crowd rooting for the other team and then you yell "GO COUGARS", while the guy is shooting a foul shot..Get a kick out of it, not like I never done that before O:)
--You were at the movies with your friend and your crush was behind you, but then the old people in front of you kept telling you to be quiet, but you didn't so they went and told and you had to sit in the back..Well, I would get to stare at my crush, so am I supposed to be disappointed?
--You were at a club while your parents were out and your crush was there and everything but then you soon find out that that was the same place your parents went out that night.. Well, duh, I would leave...
--You fainted in front of a celebrity.. Um, not care?
--You wanted your hair blonde, but the lady accidentally died it purple..My hair is already blonde, so yeah :)
--You ordered these hott shoes but ended up getting these elderly woman shoes.. Give them to good will :)
--You sprained your ankle, and it was only the beginning of the season..Live with it?
--Your boyfriend//gurlfriend cried on your shoulder.. Be there for them, of course
--Your friend needs advice, but you have NO idea what to tell her//him, and if you don't say anything, she'll//he'll get mad at you.. Well, I would try my best to help them however I could. Words don't always help, sometimes actions are more help then anything...
--You painted your nails yellow when you thought it was black but you couldn't tell only because there was NO light when you did it..Yellow is bright and fun :)
--Your boyfriend//gurlfriend dumps you out your.. out my what?
--You broke your siblings belongings at their funeral.. Feel bad?
--Your dog embarrassed you by barking too much. Then it took a turd on your chrushes' lawn.. Ummm, well, if he has to go, he has to go?
--You peed your pants because you were so nervous on stage..Haha, ummm, run off stage?
--You threw up in front of everyone at your school on stage.. Umm, what would I care?
--You had your hair in braids, but then your rubber band broke so you had to leave your hair down for the rest of the day, it was all wavy and only 2nd period.. Um, wear it wavy?
--You pooped in the school toilet and all the stalls were filled up with other people waiting in line and it wouldn't flush.. These questions are messed up. Okay, So I would get it to flush, or I don't know?
--You had a crush on your brother's friend and he saw you naked while he was waiting for your brother in the hall while you just opened the door getting out of the shower.. I don't have a brother, so I don't have to worry about that, now do I :)
--You had to take showers in the locker room and you never knew the opposite sex could see you guys taking it through a peephole.. Umm, if I didn't know, I wouldn't find out, so, what's it matter?
--You dropped your wallet while walking to the snack bar and a guy picked it up so when you went back to look for it, you didn't have any money left.. Um, not get anything from the snack bar?
--Your dog peed on your favorite outfit.. Wash it?
--You overflowed the toilet..Get a janitor or something?
--You (for a gurl) grew a beard or a mustache.. Shave it off?
--You got signed with Nike', lost your credit card, then couldn't be signed with them anymore..I hate Nike, so I wouldn't care :)
--You were in a paper factory, then all of a sudden the knife cut ALL your hair off and you hafta wear a wig until it all grows back..Well, at least I get a wig?
--Your mom would call you by your childhood nickname in front or your whole class including the teacher..My mom wouldn't be in my school in the first place...
--Everyone called you a loser only because you just got glasses..Oh, I wouldn't care :) I'm one of those people who don't care what others think of them, so yeah :)
--You kissed your boyfriend//gurlfriend and the next day everyone was saying you were gross because you were to young to do that..Umm, well, who cares?

*Have you ever...

Kissed the opposite sex? No
kissed the same Sex? No
made out with someone? No
Hugged someone? Of course! I love hugs :)
was on the phone until the sun came up? Yes
Put a song on repeat for more than 2 hours? Yes
Gone Skinny dipping? Nope
Flashed anyone? Nope
Mooned anyone? Nope
laughed so hard u pissed in your pants? Nope
got in a fight with someone ( not including siblings )? Yes, lots of fights, not physical fights though...
Got chased by the police? No
Got in trouble with the police? No
Got detention? No
Went to Juvy? No
Stolen anything? Yes
Went streaking? No
Crashed a party? No
Got Wasted? No
Slept past 4 in the afternooon? No
Dumped someone? Yes
Got Dumped? No
got rejected? No...
Skipped School? No

The last...
person u talked to in person?KK
person u talked to online? Umm, Dan
person u talked to on the phone? Jenny
movie u seen in the theaters? Walk the Line
thing u ate? Frosty
drank? Ice Water
time you laughed? today
time you cried? today
person u hugged? Kelsey I think
person u kissed? I don't know...
person u told u loved them? Jenny
person u told them u needed them? Ummm....
person u told them u missed them? Dan :) I think :P
time u took a shower? This morning :)


So yeah, that's all of them. A lot are repetative... but oh well :) That's all, bye :)
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