Thoughts on Doctor Who, etc.

May 01, 2011 15:18

First and foremost, I GOT TO SEE GLEE FILMING IN NYC ON FRIDAY. FUCK YEAH. This just reaffirms my position that New York >>> everywhere except maybe Israel. They were filming a touristy montage with the cast dancing into Washington Square Park to some song with the words "New York" in it. And my mom wonders why I'm so reluctant to transfer to a different school even if my grades are not so good. XD IT'S ALREADY MAY, HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?

Now on to my reaction post/thinky-thoughts on The Impossible Astronaut and Day of The Moon. Needless to say, MASSIVE SPOILERS AFTER THE CUT~

As you may have noticed, I don't do reaction posts often. This is mostly partially because I am lazy, partially because it's hard for me to put my thoughts in order so that they are understandable in writing, and partially because I don't always remember enough detail from one viewing. My posts normally tend to bounce all over the place, and that's even after I've word-vomited all over the screen and edited them into some semblance of a train of thought. (Real life example: I met up with an old friend to stalk the Glee cast on Friday, and we went from discussing this weeks episode to The Hunger Games to my break-up with Jon in 2008, holy shit, it's been three years already? wow and eventually got back to Glee after a few hours.) However, as I have mentioned many times, I have been sitting on these theories for THREE WEEKS, and holy fuck do I need to share them. Any mentions of forgetting shit is not a clever joke (how I wish it was) relating to the Silence, but is a reference to the fact that I have an odd memory and may have missed stuff in the first go-around.

Also, there are some theories I came up with while typing this up, so if my thoughts contradict each other, that's why. Strikethrough text means I've discarded this theory, but I'm leaving it here for you anyways.

First off, in reference to Amy being pregnant or not in this post, I tend to put "pregnant" and "baby" in quotation marks (think air quotes) until the baby decides if it exists or not, because yeah. Even though I'm pretty sure Amy has something growing in her womb, even if it's not always there.

You all know that I loved it, and I'm very glad I waited to type up my theories until I rewatched the episodes, because I definitely missed stuff (mostly dialogue) in the theater due to cheering and volume and general mindfuckery. You can also see why I had to refrain from talking about it last week, because there was absolutely no way I could talk about most stuff without being spoilery. Because Amy is both pregnant and not pregnant, AND she thought she was pregnant but now might not be. Interestingly, she may have been pregnant and then lost it, because the Doctor does comment that she's put on weight in TIA, but she'd know for sure after the three-month interlude between then and DotM.

My original theories on Amy's "baby" was that traveling through time so much affected her in some way, and the fetus was jumping between her's and River's uteruses. Which was why River also showed signs of being sick after seeing the Silence and Joy didn't (however it's also very possible that Joy had already gone though menopause/had a hysterectomy and couldn't get pregnant and that's why she didn't get sick. Or she was killed too soon after seeing it to show sick symptoms). There's also a theory going around that River is Amy's daughter, so if that's true maybe them both getting sick in reaction to the Silence is something genetic OR that's how beings capable of getting pregnant that have travelled through time (and been affected by the vortex) react to the Silence. Even though their minds have forgotten, their bodies are still reacting.

However, what I missed in the theater, was a lot of the conversation between the Silence and Amy in the Lodger-Tardis. I figured that Amy thought she'd just got there because she'd forgotten every instance of waking up (because that's what the Silence does), but I didn't realize just how long it had been. So my new theory is that either Amy was pregnant, lost it, and the Silence RE-impregnanted her with some Silence/Amy hybrid, the Silence made her think she was pregnant so that they could experiment on her and not have her be suspicious about suddenly turning up pregnant (that's what they wanted her to tell the Doctor after the bathroom scene in TIA)* OR she was pregnant with an unstable fetus (hence why she thinks she actually isn't pregnant and hasn't begun to show or anything) and they genetically experimented on it- because they mention that she is being "honored" with something but her time is short- so they definitely did something to her. AND pregnancy is a finite state, so once the fetus has developed enough to survive outside the womb, they don't need Amy any more. Or she was pregnant, it was their experimentation combined with all that Amy's been exposed to that made the fetus unstable, but they made her forget she was pregnant (or they hypnotized her into thinking she really wasn't, whatever) so that she won't be able to do anything about it until it's too late.

*Amy drinks wine at the picnic, and I don't think that if she suspected she was pregnant she would have drank something alcoholic. Granted, she might not have suspected until the SUDDEN MORNING SICKNESS after seeing the Silence, but she seems pretty sure when she tells the Doctor and not that much time has passed (which further supports my 'the Silence made her think so' theory).

On spacesuit girl regenerating: that's NINE MONTHS after Amy shot at her, and not even Ten took that long to regenerate. She's shot in TIA. 3 months go by until DotM, and then it says 6 months later. The kid is probably Amy's "baby", and therefore clearly not the most spatially/temporally stable being. So even assuming the suit was keeping her alive or in one place and time, that's still six months, which leads me to believe that Amy either missed or missed enough that the shot wasn't fatal, or that she was already dying/couldn't survive outside the suit. Actually, the girl might even have been in the suit because her existence was too unstable without it and would otherwise not be able to stay in the same universe or point in space-time, in which case it hasn't been six/nine months for her, only for us (in linear time, whatever).

I'm very much leaning towards the Silence made Amy think she was pregnant, regenerating spacesuit girl being Amy's unstable time-head baby that the Silence did something to/are the cause of. And no way is it the Doctor's, unless the Silence grafted Time Lord DNA into the fetus. Because if it were the Doctor's (DNW), the fetus would have to be over 5 months along, (because it's been over two months since Amy and Rory saw him at the beginning of TIA, and then there's the 3 month gap between then and DotM) and I'm pretty sure she'd have started showing by then or something. And if the River is Amy's baby rumor is true, than it can't be the Doctor's because this episode also confirmed that River has a romantic relationship with him, and I don't think Moffat would do that for all his insistences that DW is a family show, you know? Though genetics would also explain why River could remember the Doctor in TBB.

NEW TOPIC: Actually Doctor, you tried wine in The Lodger and didn't like it then either. Just saying!

LOL at Rory having to explain everything to Canton (who is awesomesauce and I'd like to see more of) because "he's the newest". NGL, I want to see hazing fic where he and Gwen compare notes on the stupid shit others made them do when they were the newbies. For the lulz.

River Song I love you, please marry me and let me have your time-babies. Her banter with Eleven! I love it. Last season I was very much in the camp of 'Eleven is asexual' but you can all point and laugh at past!me. However his complete lack of knowing what to do with his hands during their kiss was hilarious, which also supports my theory that even if Eleven wasn't asexual, this regeneration is probably completely confused by sex. sodistractedbyhispenis. AND MY HEART HAS BEEN BREAKING FOR HER FOR THREE WEEKS YOU GUYS. To repeat what I said in starwhales last night: I refuse to think that that was River's last kiss with the Doctor because no way will I believe that they didn't kiss in the Singing Gardens(?). Or wherever it was that he took her right before the Library eps. I have definitely come around to and fully support the idea that River and the Doctor were lovers, but I'm still resistant to them actually being married, you know? I think it has to do with putting a human, contemporary label on their relationship. Like, if they're married because of an aliens-made-them-do-it situation, so they're technically husband and wife, that's fine, but I like their relationship more ambiguous. However her literally jumping into fatal situations and relying on the Doctor and Tardis to come save her is getting old.

HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, the Amy-is-River's-mother rumor makes more and more sense when I think about it. In the concept art that was released last year, there were pages from River's diary showing that Amy was apparently the one who taught her how to fly the Tardis. OMGGGGG. The only thing it doesn't explain is how RIver is from the 51st century if she's Amy (and Rory's kid). Unless they either settle down in the 51st eventually, or if she's Amy's current "baby" and they need to leave her in a time where they have the technology to deal with a child that doesn't stay in one universe/to hide her from the Silence? She's not genetically from the 51st, she just spends her adult life there... IDEK

On the Doctor and River's timeline's being literally back-to-front: no. That's dumb and clearly not true because A. he meets up with her immediately pre-Library which is obviously the end or her timeline with him, and obviously not in the beginning of his timeline with her, and B. if that were true, they wouldn't need to synch diaries because look; assume they have 11 adventures, where 11 is SitL/FotD and 01 is the first time River meets the Doctor (and their last night together pre-Library is omitted for simplicities sake) -
River:   01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11
Doctor: 11 10 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01

Any adventures River's had with the Doctor he hasn't had yet, and any adventures the Doctor has had with River she hasn't had yet, and the only adventure they're on the same page for (no pun intended) is 06, and they won't know until afterwards. Also, River still has a vortex manipulator, which could either be from the s5 finale or it could mean she was a time agent and hid her manipulator pre-Stormcage and lost it/got it taken away from her at some point before TPO, because we don't know if she went back to Stormcage Prison at the end of TBB, do we?The point is, people are taking that line way too literally.

Somehow I forgot that Amy called Rory "stupid face" when he was trying to get her out of the chair (though I did remember that she told him she meant him) and I legit teared up at that moment. I LOVE THESE TWO SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA. I think I ship them as much as I ship Jack/Ianto, and that's saying something. (Even though I don't really read whofic) I don't particularly mind the odd UST between Amy and Eleven because imo it's pretty clear that Eleven's going to end up with River, he ships Amy/Rory (he claps when they kiss), and he's rebuffed all her advances so far, so I don't think he'd do anything to ruin what she and Rory have.

LODGER-TARDIS. And now we know why it was abandoned.

Yes, the Silence are scary, but the Vashta Nerada are still the scariest imo, and yes, this was pretty violent for the Doctor, but you forget it was Ten that was so anti-violence, anti-weapons, not Nine (and apparently not other Classic Who Doctors, says the internet). But technically, except for the one FBI agent, we don't actually see anyone killing Silents except for River, and at that point it's self-defence. I think the point was to make them run. And the Doctor did give them the chance to explain themselves - they didn't take it - and as far as he knows, the Silence was also responsible for the end of the Space-fish-vampire civilization (from Vampires in Venice). So everyone bawwing THIS ISN'T THE DOCTOR I LOVE ANYMORE, please stop. It's not the Ten that you love anymore. Which is a good thing because he's obviously not Ten. And yeah, I liked RTD-Who as well.


Random observation: I thought Arthur was shorter than Karen, but in that last Tardis scene in DotM he looks taller than her. Huh. I CAN'T WAIT FOR NEXT WEEK THOUGH, OMG.

Wow, this has taken over four hours to write up. Goddamn. My eyes are starting to cross, so apologies in advance to any grievous SPaG errors or wayward apostrophes that I missed. (please point them out so I can fix them, though)

i heart new york, fandom is srs bzns, wall of text, the grand moff, my fandom goes to 11, Schrödinger's baby, episode reaction, glee, doctor who, i have too much free time, my ongoing girlcrush on river song, alex kingston is a goddess, the ponds are love, deep thoughts

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