Fannish 5

Sep 03, 2010 09:34

My answers to this week's
fannish5, "Name five kickass female characters." (and I'm actually posting it)

1. River Song (Doctor Who) - though I may be biased since I'm head over heels in lust with her (and Alex Kingston). UNF

2. Toph Bei-Fong (Avatar: the Last Airbender) - fandom nickname: Tophgod. There's a reason

3. Alanna the Lioness (Tamora Pierce's Tortall series) - First lady knight in a century and just full-on awesome

4. Haruka Tenoh (Sailor Moon) - actually, I think all of the Outer Senshi are kickass, but I'm trying to keep this from being too fandom dominated,* and Sailor Uranus is the most kickass

5. Nyota Uhura (Stark Trek) - you should just know this already. Both movie!Uhura and OldTrek!Uhura

Bonus: The Charmed Ones. Especially post-season 4 (as I feel Paige didn't reach her full badass potential until season 5).

*For the same reason Martha and Donna and Jenny from Doctor Who and every other female character from Avatar and Tamora Pierce aren't appearing on this list, because then I'd have to chose, and the list would be only one fandom, but I think they are too.

I was debating putting Eames (Inception) on here for the lulz, as he forges into a lady, but as far as we know, he still identifies as male so I decided against it.

fannish5, my ongoing girlcrush on river song

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