(no subject)

Jun 23, 2010 19:22

My mom got her cast off today! Her hand is still hurting, but she's still doing better now that she can do stuff, and worse, because she's doing stuff. ::facepalm:: We'll see what happens. The doctor has cleared her to go back to work next week, so hopefully she'll be okay.

Also, I bring you this quote from dazz which is kind of made of awesome: (QWP)

Nobody who likes Twilight has the right to criticize anything, anyone, anywhere, ever.

I have this theory, you see, that in the fandom caste system, Twihards are to the rest of us geeks as pedophiles are to the general prison population. Someone you can look down your nose at when others look down their nose at you. You may be able to speak fluent Klingon, but at least now you've got someone you can look at and say "Hey. I'm better than that."
Why, yes, I am a lolfan. ETA:  ~Context~

twilulz, funny, real life

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