First, I'm trying to do a rehaul of my tags (combine some, delete useless ones, rename others). I'm still going to have a ton of them, but... yeah...
Second: I haven't been sleeping well this past week, so if I'm on at what seems like every hour of the day (430am included), and yet I just yawned so big my jaw cracked, that's why
Third: I got obsessed with Glee last month. yes, I went there (and I love it)
Fourth: and this one's fucking weird.
Scent memories. or whatever the correct term is, IDK. So way back when my ex, Jon, and I were together I started using the same deodorant as he did. for 3 reasons: I liked the scent, the scent reminded me of him (which may or may not have been connected to the first reason, I don't remember, it probably was), and it fucking worked. that's also the main reason I still use it. but nowadays, I'll catch the scent and it will remind me of him again. which wouldn't be so strange, except that I've been using the stuff for almost four years, two of which we weren't together anymore for and this has never happened before. at least not like it has been. I mean, this is powerful men's stuff, and I got some on my hem by accident the other day, and when I took it off I caught the scent again and it was like for a split second there I was thrown into a memory of us. This didn't happen at the beginning of my israel year, when I was still very much not over him and thinking about him all the time, yet now I'll be bombarded at the most random times by memories of Jon. And as much as I may miss the guy (not like that. he was still one of my best friends before we became a couple, thank you), it's very annoying/distracting. Get out of my head, Jon.
no I'm not changing brands. I like this brand. Like I said, it works.
Fifth: I have a chem test tomorrow and I'm not ready. CRAP.
Last(?): I signed up for
reel_torchwood. I'm doing "Enchanted". Lets hope this works.
I'm also working on my next fic for tw_lucky_7 and a totally separate one-shot that may or may not get finished depending on how awake I can keep myself (it's not even noon and I'm nodding off. FML) I'm writing it for someone who needs some cheering up, hence the time issue.
Lastly (for real): I've made a macro masterlist, and I've got another small macro-thing in the works. nothing like Goodnight Doctor or I'm On A Rift, but I hope you all enjoy it anyways. It's almost done, but chem is first priority.