oh darn...

Aug 06, 2007 19:26

bbq was awesome btw...

taken from
darth_claire 's lj :D

so one group of kids I work with, is going into 1st grade, and there is one kid who refuses to dunk his head in the water. period endofstory. the other kids are now like "yay water! that means if we dunk we can climb on Marla!" (that's me) and they alternate between poking each other, swimming underwater and grabbing on to me. so the period normally starts out like this: 
Me: you wanna try dunking your head today, Bryant?
Bryant: No
Me: I'm right here, I'll even hold your hand, are you sure?
Bryant: ::shakes his head::
Me: okay, well then would you mind dunking your shoulders and then your chin and then blowing bubbles?
so he does that and all the other kids in the group have fun dunking (and then jumping on me) and trying to swim. I actually hadn't really had him for a lesson in over a week because he was out for a few days, then it was color war, and then it was heat wave days for the reast of the week (we give the kids free swim instead of instructional swim because when it's that hot we just want them in the water). TODAY, I see him as we are walking into the pool, I'm like:
Me: yay Bryant! I haven't seen you in a while
Bryant: HI! Marla, Marla, wanna see me swim underwater?
Me: sure! I'd love to!
I was thinking he would just put his face in (like usual) and try and swim without a kickboard. he gets in, dunks his head and swims underwater (and then does a perfect glide). I was so proud I almost cried. he even told me at the end of the period that it was the first time he had ever gone completely underwater. oh, I'm all emotional; it was a very touching moment. he's such an adorable kid and I really felt like I was failing or something before by not being able to help him dunk underwater... YAY!

summer job, swimming

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