I think we should barbeque Max instead

Aug 01, 2007 18:18

as some of you may know, I am working at a day camp this summer on swim staff. being on swim staff, we only get 15--20 minutes to eat lunch (as opposed to everyone else who gets 30--35 min). everyday we pass the bbq area on our way to eat, and last year, apparently, swim staff would always try and steal the food. and they hate giving us bbq. so we finally are scheduled to have bbq again this summer on monday, and today, of all days, Max and a few others from swim staff decided to bother the bbq people and we were afraid we were going to lose our monday treat. so I suggested barbecuing Max instead... and then we all had a food fight at the end of lunch... oops...

summer job, bbq, camp, food

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