my so-called zoo

Jul 22, 2007 14:34

EDIT: I keep screwing up the formatting, I'm so sorry!

I made these a while ago, but when I finally got an lj I forgot I could put them here, but now i did. MY PETS: (yeah, I was as bored as anything, and they were cute...)

warning! image heavy!

adopt your own virtual pet! [Error: close lj-embed tag without open tag]

adopt your own virtual pet! [Error: close lj-embed tag without open tag]

this one was actually made during my wolf's rain obsession. I know hige is brown and tsume is black, but I wanted to play around with colors here

adopt your own virtual pet! [Error: close lj-embed tag without open tag]

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!

and now, the obligatory "Llama Song" link first;

adopt your own virtual pet! [Error: close lj-embed tag without open tag]

don't even ask the reason behind the name...

adopt your own virtual pet!

adopt your own virtual pet!
adopt your own virtual pet!

isn't she so cute!?

adopt your own virtual pet!

the hedgehog!

bunnyhero, cuteness, internet

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